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id: 518704 - Text:  @niclaci6093  Sexual tourism is a thing. A lot of married men on business trips cheat on their wives and betray their marriage vows by fucking prostitutes like this and bring home diseases. Their wives are clueless. It’s sad. People who say “they’re not hurting anyone” are delusional.

id: 518716 - Text: Sexual tourism is a thing. A lot of married men on business trips cheat on their wives and betray their marriage vows by fucking prostitutes like this and bring home diseases. Their wives are clueless. It’s sad. People who say “they’re not hurting anyone” are delusional….

id: 518718 - Text: Sex work and transgenderism are much more accepted in Thailand, a lot of it is that there’s not as much social stigma.

id: 518719 - Text: Maybe this is a nitpick but Mark isn't surveying random Thai sex workers. He went to Nana Plaza which caters to wealthy foreigners not middling Thai nationals in local brothels. Those girls in 3rd tier brothels of course aren't going to speak English and Mark would need a translator and a local fixer to set up such interviews. Think about it this way, if you went to a high end escort service in the US and were prepared to drop $2000/hr, you're not going to be running into girls that are mentally or physically unwell either. That said, I am in agreement with you that the state of the average Thai sex worker is usually in better mental and physical health compared to their average US sex worker counterpart. I also would say that is also true of Thai people in general. They are in better mental and physical health than Americans in general.

id: 518733 - Text: i think word got round from the first interviewee that mark isn't a sex tourist and that he was paying them purely for a chat because they are acting like they got the memo.

id: 518752 - Text:  @user-vw2jq3to5e  it’s just the truth really. We’re not quite there where people are accepted. It’s come a long way. But a long way to go yet. And I think moreso they meant the sex work. I do find it a bit sad, because I know deep down no one would choose to do it if they had other options for the same money. But I don’t look down on it. Just find it dark.

id: 518753 - Text:  @rumham7466  Vast majority of trans women go into sex work, and with that usually drug addiction. All these sex workers are broke, and they usually live on skid row. They also have very high rates of HIV. Sleeping with a trans women prostitute is a very risky thing to do. Most people get through life without needing to do sex work,

id: 518754 - Text:  @tubester4567  I think what you've said about sex workers applies to everyone who goes into it, not just trans people. It's a tough business, dangerous, and completely unglamorous. It's all kind of gross in my opinion on both sides of the transaction, but people are going to do what they do and I would say people prostitute themselves in all kind of ways to a greater or lesser degree in order to make money. In addition, desparate people do desparate things, there's a lot of poverty in Thailand, and so it's no surprise that Bangkok is the land of sex work.

id: 518755 - Text:  @tubester4567  What? Where on earth are you getting this statistic? A vast majority of trans women are just ordinary women, not in sex work; I'd say FAR more of them are in IT or programming. You just don't notice them because you aren't looking for them every day around you -- nor should you.

id: 518757 - Text: ​ @tubester4567  "Most people get through life without needing to do sex work" That depends on how you define sex work. Have you ever heard the phrase "men pay for pussy one way or another"? A lot of women who get into traditional marriages may very well end up providing emotional/sexual satisfaction to their husbands in exchange for them being the caretaker for the wives and the provider of resources for their kids. If you think about that, it is its own form of "sex work". The only difference is that your form of payment isn't directly money nor is the time you spend together only a fleeting amount.
