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id: 50749 - Text:  @raindillon371  I wanted to give her a hug. I find nothing sexual about her photo . A healthy person gains insight from that photo and it made me realize I couldn't see past her pain.

id: 50754 - Text: The human body is a beautiful thing and it was displaying her beauty. The only wrong thing is people like you complain about it. Nothing sexual about it and it fit the interview, simply expression.

id: 50854 - Text: Have to disagree, not saying she's a bad person or doesnt love her children but choosing to be a porn star whilst raising your kids is completely irresponsible and quite frankly selfish. Of course there are woman who do this but usually its because they have to, its the only way they can provide for their kids. Luna did not have to do this, she was in a stable marriage, no major financial issues, the soul reason she did this was because thats what she want to do. Now if she didnt have kids and was single or her husband was ok with it then great, go for it, it's your life do what you want, but once you have kids, you lose that privilege, whether you want to or not. Now, every decision you make not only have to consider your own happiness and well being but you need to consider the well being and happiness of your kids, more than consider it, you need to prioritize it over your own. You need to be painfully aware of every choice you make and how that choice will effect your kids, now and in the future. At some point her kids are going to find out, no only her kids but her kids friends, her kids friends parents, teachers at there school. This will be a traumatic event for them that will follow them for the rest of their lives, it has a high potential to completely blowing the entire family to bits and irreversibly destroying her relationship with her kids and the relationship between her kids and there father. This isnt a once off kinda thing either, every new group of friends he meets, every future girl friend, future inlaws, he will have to have the conversation and people will react how they are going to react. He'll start to lose friends as parents will ban their kids from going to their house, this is potentially life ruining for a child. How will her son ever be about to look his father in the face again knowing he's a cuckold who likes to hide in the cupboard spying on his mum having sex with strangers. Is this guy even his father and who are the other 167 possible candidates? No she's far from a good Mum, a good Mum or to be honest even a pretty average mum would have said even though I really want to be a porn star, the potential it has to destroy my family and ruin my kids lives it's just not worth, I owe my kids more than deciding their future with the role of the dice, especially when the odds are 1 in 6 it will have little or no negative effects vs 5 in 6 it will be catastrophic.

id: 50869 - Text: Her body is part of her story. It's not a sexualizing photograph just because she is naked. You should think a bit further. What is the photograph telling you?

id: 50872 - Text:  @96kire96  well the GODDAMN problem genius, is that a person who has been sexually abused and exploited shouldn't be additionally exploited by being asked to get naked on a channel whose owner claims to help them. and if that IS what happened, that's what people justifiably have a problem with.

id: 50944 - Text: I think that it was a poor choice and quite distasteful to photograph her nude. While she makes a living getting naked in front of a camera, she just finished sharing very deep, emotional stories of past sexual abuse, trauma and exploitation and I feel that keeping that in mind photographing her in such a way was more exploitation.

id: 50947 - Text: High sex drive MEANS hyper sexualized bc she was only valued for sex by her perpetrators. Her whole self esteem is based on her sexual trauma.

id: 50948 - Text: Porn people all have childhood sexual trauma. They replicate that trauma by doing porn. They never get well.

id: 50999 - Text: The statute of limitation for sexual crimes really needs to be lengthened so when these poor children reach adulthood, they can at least get an ounce of justice.

id: 51070 - Text: My opinion.... so don't come at me... porn is sexual coercion. She's a victim.
