31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 66550 - Text: The most shocking fact revealed in this video, was when she said she was 22. She’s been to hell and back more times than anyone has a right to. Surprisingly, she still has faith in god and finds solace in the bible and religion. It’s nice that she has that comfort blanket. Just a shame that she’s deluded. She’s been fed lies all her life by adults she thought she could trust. There is no god. Religion is manmade. The truth lies in the alcohol she consumes and the chemicals invading her bloodstream. That’s where she finds her comfort, her escapism, and who can blame her? She strikes me as a lost spirit. Damaged goods. But still a genuine and sincere girl and a beautiful one. I sincerely believe that in the right company and with guidance, she has the potential to flourish, and live a productive, worthwhile and contented and long life. If I were religious, I would pray for that to be, but I’m not religious, so can only send her positive vibes and wish her all the best and hope she gets to read this comment and the dozens of other positive comments that have been left.

id: 66645 - Text: Such a different world and such a bful giril... have watched so many videos of this channel... it has shown such a different face of life... and she understands that she is NOT her dad ... she can have different life.... it takes a while to realize that...hope she understands this before its too late...

id: 66654 - Text: If the guy that is in love with you sees this video he is going to .... Please be careful. You still have a chance to have a better life. You're a tough and beautiful girl. God bless

id: 66658 - Text: This is the most raw video I have seen on this channel. I believe she will go far in life.

id: 66733 - Text: I can't understand how so many millions of people can watch videos like this and yet still believe that drugs should be legal

id: 66785 - Text: Wow! She looks like any other girl you’d see at Starbucks, the grocery store, the mall! Never judge a book by its cover! As a cancer patient who “doesn’t look sick” it’s so important as a reminder that we all have a story and you can NEVER truly see a person only by looking at them. thank you for your videos, Mark! 😊 These are incredible stories. Things like these can happen to any of us. We are all in this together.

id: 66788 - Text: She "hustles" wealthy men but lives in a tent on skid row. 🤣 These videos are mostly lies.

id: 66790 - Text: There's a psychiatrist who has a video called, The Hungry Ghost. Meaning it lives in you and no matter how much, of your drug of choice, you use, you cannot satiate it.

id: 66809 - Text: Worth considering the Max Gerson MD natural program for cancer. There are videos on YouTube & book Gerson Therapy. It does help tremendously

id: 66896 - Text: Been 5 months since this video was posted…hope she got out of this man….she’s still all there
