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id: 564582 - Text: Such disappointment to see this video.

id: 564608 - Text: The end of the video is so telling, mark gives them genuine wishes and fly’s response is hope so too. Not even a thank you and a ‘you too’. Mark thanks them at the end and there’s only crickets. Yikes, actual scum. You can be product if your environment but basic manners shouldn’t be so hard to come by after everything that was done for them

id: 564641 - Text: Just because this video update presents a crushing turn of events, it doesn't mean it is the end of her story. Or Mark's story in her life, entirely. I, too, was heartbroken by this video update. I watched the two previous videos and you could physically see the impact of Mark's presence and friendship in Asriah's life. The first and third video present Asriah with a demeanor of restraint and hardness--defense. She only answers what's asked of her, cautiously. From the beginning, I've admired how she chooses her words--she never stutters, no "um's"--she's decisive and thoughtful. Her second video shows a budding softness that only comes with trust and support. The third video you can see her body language shift so drastically from previous videos and even more so when Fly enters the conversation. Asriah--I see your strength and smarts. Use them wisely. Remember what it felt like when you said you were choosing to live by doing what was best and right instead of what was fast. Mark--your work is so incredibly powerful. Your perseverance to be understanding and compassionate, even amidst anger and disappointment is truly inspiring. Thank you for what you do. Prayers and blessings to you both as you have entered a spot in my heart and mind forever.

id: 564661 - Text: I can see how you could see it that way. But I don’t see it as deceitful. It looked like a part of her was nourished and thus more vulnerable or open and overall more positive. The third video the guard was up again—a protective defiance. It, whatever it is, came back into her life and gave her a reason to be more guarded it seems to me.

id: 564670 - Text: dang it hurt so much watching this. It really looked like she had it together in the last video.

id: 564689 - Text:  @missychan63  it's for content. the 2k a day to her is feeding the story for this video.

id: 564690 - Text: Mark expoits people like her, gives them a small percentage of his profits as a sort of investment for future content. He knew good & well the money would never ever be spent on her children. Be serious. Like. Come on. He isn't dumb. He wanted another video where he could go OMG I TRIED TO HELP YOU, YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T GIVE THE MONEY TO YOUR CHILDREN FOR A BETTER LIFE lmao no shit dude. He knows better. He will continue to exploit these social rejects & make a whole lot of money doing so regardless of whether he does it with grace or not.

id: 564699 - Text: Honestly I feel like it's hard for some of us to judge whether or not she feels remorse. She is clearly not speaking for a reason and knowing that her pimp is right outside and/or could view this video when it's released (made well-known to her), I don't blame her for not saying shit or reacting to it. I almost feel like it's unfair to put her on the spot in the video and expect her to say something when Mark expressed early on that he knew she wouldn't be able to react because of the shit she's tangled up in. Did she get herself into it? Yes, she has a lot of responsibility in this, but from other videos on Mark's channel, we know that it's usually extremely difficult for people to get out of this kind of lifestyle due to multiple factors involved. Mark should know this well, given how many interviews he's done. There's a lot behind the scenes that this video can't possibly make us aware of.

id: 564710 - Text: ​ @SaraLovesUbb  The arrogance of this comment made my blood boil, wtf is wrong with you? Do you have any proof that Mark's taking more profits for himself than what he's giving away? I highly doubt that! Sounds to me like you're going off on altogether vulgar speculation simply because you cannot grasp the possibility of the existence of genuine people who would try and help their fellow human being without taking profits for themselves. Not everybody helps others in order to gain something for themselves, try and remember that next time before you blurt out your negativity. Moreover, Mark has spent thousands of dollars on these "rejects", I bet that's more than what you have personally donated/given in your whole entire lifetime, nevertheless you're here acting "holier than thou" and criticizing Mark, who's trying to make a difference, great fucking job, Sara! You fucking doughnut. Also, I've heard that some of the people in these interviews read the comments in Mark's videos, imagine how your comment would affect them and if they're in a bad headspace how it could IMPACT them. Fuck's sake..

id: 564721 - Text:  @clovergoddess  I enjoy these kind of videos. I like to see other people's lives, I am in awe of the differences between everyone. I spent a long time with nothing to my name save a cellphone & a purse full of bent, bloodied needles. I feel like I'm watching one of my old friends, this girl even kind of looks like her, like these videos are both entertaining & therapeutic. Mark gave her all that money to create this outrage from his fans, to stir up more drama, because it would make better content. He could have sent her to a programs across the country like you said, & paid for her children to be taken care of while she got help. He knows better. He did this for good content. People seem real upset that I hold this opinion. It's just the truth. I enjoy the video just like everyone else, I see it for what it is, is all. Seems like you do too.
