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id: 564722 - Text: $300-400 A DAY? And then later on you said thousands! A car, an apartment... What are you doing? No mother needs hundreds or thousands of dollars a day to take care of her children. And you put yourself in harm's way. The Crips no less. Those people are ruthless. They will kill in the blink of an eye. One second you are talking and the is amazing how quickly it happens. The gang was obviously taking your money and doing who knows what with it. It is possible that they were playing you from day one. They groomed her. They saw your videos and engineered the whole thing. But I am a cynic. I hope I am wrong about that. I fully admit that I do not know your entire history of helping people. Mainly because you do things that most of us don't know about. But is it normal for you to give hundreds, even thousands of dollars a day to people? This is only one person. How many more, I wonder. It must add up to a lot. It's not my business to ask how you have so much money to give away, and I am not asking, but if you want to give some more away... I am on your side Mark. The world needs you, it needs people like you. A lot of them. I know a man who helped someone, gave them a place and everything and got royally screwed over, yet he did it again anyway. I have a lot of respect for that, and I respect you for doing it too. You were taken for a fool. It's a royal fvck up. I'm sorry.

id: 564743 - Text:  @SaraLovesUbb  think he was just a little naive. Look at all the comments under her first two videos that she did. As an addict, it would be me who would exploit this situation. The marks on your arm dont seem to align with what traits addicts have. Food hurt people with really messed up disloyal behaviour . You're saying mark exploited her. If that's the case why would he have put this interview out in the first place,especially knowing many followers would be upset and disappointed. I agree with you regarding giving her cash but he was trying to keep her and she was giving him the run around.

id: 564745 - Text:  @iluhyuhswag  There's a site called socialblade. His channel is not demonitized. Some videos maybe but definitely money is being made...lots of it not to mention the go fund me. That being said Mark's work is top notch and he deserves to be compensated well as there's more to it than most think. Are the people exploited...I guess to a point but I've seen worse examples by some on YouTube.

id: 564747 - Text:  @SaraLovesUbb  maybe I guess. I think the only way she could possibly get away is by literally going to a long term treatment centre. Gang affiliated aswell. But in the second video, he was literally on the phone to this girl allll the time. He even said they would talking early in the morning. He does alot of stuff off camera for these people that he never talks about or gloats about. And it was after the second video that she started to change. He was also out of town. If someone wants help, he goes out their way to do it. And infact doenst even mention alot of the stuff behind the scenes. I personally felt he was genuinely upset. I do agree that giving cash ect just wouldnt work. And lol me too getting 200 a day was hard for me. Imagine someone giving you a 1000 dollars. A car. An apartment. I mean, she cant just walk away from that lifestyle.

id: 564763 - Text:  @SaraLovesUbb  I really appreciate you pointing this out! This is totally trauma porn. And after this video, I can't watch it anymore.

id: 564770 - Text: This young couple are just victims. Indeed Mark's efforts to help her out were promising and Mark is a wonderful human being/artist (what he does here is deeply impressive and necessary). This particular video and all other videos on this channel are showing me a very larger issue and that is the sickness of the system. These are the results of politicians manipulating the society for power and wealth. Born and raised in a dictatorship I saw the dark sides of humanity and I know how a system can govern by creating divisions (racial ,etc.) and chaos and keeping the poverty and injustice going on at least for certain parts of the society. Unfortunately the system in US seems to be the main source of such failures in society and families. My personal take on what Mike should do is to cut her funds and avoid any further helps but keep an small door open with Asriah and let an small hope be available in Asriah's dark dark world.

id: 564785 - Text: I was really rooting for her from the very beginning, I actually was envisioning the third video to be another success for her and her kids and for you Marc who has went above and beyond to help her start a new life. Was not expecting this news this morning when I seen the video saying Jan. / 2022 Update, was excited for more good news but was saddened after watching, I still hope the very best for her, this maybe a good wake up for her to motivate her to break the bad cycle she has been in for most of her life, that is my hope. Up to her now!!! Asriah, I will still say a prayer for you and your kids. Canada wishes you the very best !!! 🙏

id: 564793 - Text: Absolutely heartbreaking.. the defeat and sadness in her eyes.. but there is always a chance. If you're alive you have a chance. I was routing for her since the first video and believe she can still make it. As long as breath is in your lungs there is a chance for change 🙏

id: 564802 - Text: the important thing is to try to recover from its falls (drug addicts do not stop the drug after a single cure) Often it takes years to leave a toxic programming ... Now that you have known a little of a normal environment, I already feel that you have understood that you are no longer in your place with this new toxic relationship. The other videos, you expressed your pain and you were very expressive ... Now your silence shows that you know that you have still lost your freedom (but it is not too late to find it) Courage, those who succeed are only those who have never given up in their many falls. God knows that you are very strong mentaly to have already endured all this in your young life.

id: 564811 - Text: Wow, I knew the last video there was something up. She was too quiet, I do not feel sorry for her at all because she continues to choose the streets over her kids. This “pimp” looks soft af so it just shows how weak minded she really is. Poor girl throwing her entire life away just because she doesn’t think she is worthy of anything better than what she already knows.
