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id: 518888 - Text: I don't think the family "sold them" but they are Gladly profiting from the sex trade. Sex sells everywhere though. Ppl support their families from sex. It is what it is... As long as their adults

id: 518893 - Text:  @peacefulnatural  If you're a trans girl, blunting all that testosterone exposure during puberty is a good thing for later on in life if you want to look feminine. Oh, I know you're going to ascribe all kinds of evil parental Machiavellian machinations to this that legions of Thai parents like the evil Siamese cats from the Lady and the Tramp are out there intentionally feeding their kids HRT meds so they can turn them into profitable trans sex workers while cackling maniacally. That just isn't the reality. Thai parents are simply accepting of their LGBT kids in Buddhist tradition. Trans women have been a cultural part of Thailand for hundreds of years. The reality is that the AMA, APA and WHO all fully support puberty blockers and HRT during and after puberty for trans girls. It's literally the standard of care (WPATH SOC 8) in dozens of countries around the world. That it is also happening in Thailand is not unusual. It's expected. I'm sure you vehemently disagree with this also, which is also expected. We've all read these threads before. You know what I'm going to say. I know what you're going to say. Let's just fast forward to the end.

id: 518960 - Text: Sexual tourism is a thing. A lot of married men on business trips cheat on their wives and betray their marriage vows by fucking prostitutes like this and bring home diseases. Their wives are clueless. It’s sad. People who say “they’re not hurting anyone” are delusional.

id: 518968 - Text:  @jmsa26  true but westerners need to not glamorize it. Sex tourism is harmful. Westerners could help fund them not only by putting their d** in them.

id: 518973 - Text: They are not so family orientated anymore when they work in the sex industry... Although there is a Buddhist acceptance for the 3rd sex, most khatoeys work in the sex industry, because of the money and because that so called acceptance is not as great as you think..

id: 518975 - Text:  @laureldevine  I think there is more ways to support the family than having your child, alter their body, jeopardize their safety and pimp them out..that's still sex trafficking

id: 518986 - Text:  @clarry1324  You must be their biographer. Seems really odd that most of the interview was then focused on talking about lovingly supporting those jerks that sold them into sex slavery against their will. I'm sure you'll clarify all this with primary sources for us.

id: 518987 - Text: Sexual tourism is a thing. A lot of married men on business trips fuck prostitutes like this and bring home diseases. Their wives are clueless. It’s sad.

id: 519017 - Text: I mean sex workers in Thailand are an interesting subject, also they know english, i don't think Mark finding and interviewing a thai drug dealer is even possible, remember skid row is one of a kind and in general what you can find in the US you can't find anywhere else

id: 519019 - Text:  @Maffmatix  i agree that there's some kind of laziness but the point is, if it wasn't for sex workers, he would've never went there to make interviews, considering also that a lot of ladyboy related content is poppin off on YT in the last year. So i'm not surprised about this but for sure we expect something more from SWU.
