31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 564826 - Text: For the people condemning her silence and seeming lack of gratitude, you have it wrong. I know that look, she knows she was going to get hit once she was outside and preparing for how hard. She knows he'd put her back out. Her big mistake was not changing the phone, she'd said many had called her in the previous video. Everyone who wanted to get in on the money. Her mistake was answering the phone out of loneliness or boredom. That guy, he came in with his son story probably hoping to get in on the ride and was probably shocked and very angry the money was cut off. That poor girl paid for it. I have no pity for that guy, he was too lazy to work and knew how to push a young girl around for money. Karma won't be swift enough. As for the interviewer, he should watch his back and equipment. That man who he just st stop funding drugs for will be wanting what he will see as his share. I pity the girl. Loneliness can be hard, that big of a change can be hard. She can't be expected to control her life Fe when she never has done it before

id: 564836 - Text: Her demeanor has changed since the last video. She was playing Mark or thought that she was. This is the life with an addict. It's so frustrating and sad.

id: 564840 - Text: Mark needs protection from all of these people. He has a heart of gold and I’m worried for his safety. This is insane the amount of money she took from him. I think she is really not able to speak because the pimp is watching the videos. I think the pimp controlled her the whole time. I’m so sorry this happened to you Mark

id: 564858 - Text: Wow, she was telling mark in the last video that he was her “only friend”, which was part of the ruse to get his money. Nice.

id: 564868 - Text: This breaks my heart. For real. I was really happy to see her other video where she was with her kids & doing better. Now this. =( I hope she's able to find a way to get away from this lifestyle and live a better life. Not only for herself but for her children too. Mark thank you & God bless you for all that you do for people. I could hear the sadness & disappointment in your voice. Hugs!!

id: 564887 - Text: Ah man that sucks I thought she would do it for the kids but this video shows she really likes the hustle feel bad for her children 🤦‍♂️ if you hang with flys your always be around garbage

id: 564893 - Text: Marc seems genuine at wanting to help her, but it has been obvious from the original video's that Asriah was looking to game him. I know there will be some here that will disagree, however there are many out there that are so setup in the mindset of getting theirs, they will cut their own throats to make that extra dollar. That is what this has been from the beginning and I feel for her kids. I hold to my belief that she had no intention of getting away from the life, she is too ignorant of how things could be to turn away from the life she knows now.

id: 564933 - Text: Ok I'm going to post this. I was a customer of Asriah's a little while ago. After we had sex I talked to her a little bit. And let me tell you all something. She absolutely positively is deathly afraid of this dude and she hates him. You can see it in the video when he is talking the anger and contempt she has for him. I hope she gets away from him.

id: 564950 - Text:  @samweltz  So then tell me how by documenting this on video in order for thousands who would not otherwise have any understanding of what she faces in daily life "shaming" her?? If you really are a trained therapist then certainly you must see the larger picture here.

id: 564953 - Text:  @daphnetruman  i don't know the full intent behind this and said that perhaps the intent could be good/altruistic, however what is happening does not look helpful. If you heard the original video, she said that her brother, one of the few people she loved and had in her life, recently died... now let's introduce another loss- the loss of a person who says he will come in to save her, but abandons her when the timeline of that progress and nonlinear nature of that progress is not what is expected- how do you think this additional loss could impact her? she may be even lower than she was before- before she dared open up and introduced hope.
