58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 519175 - Text: So. Incredibly. Likeable. ....she has a humility about her that's so appealing. Cant help but think her unloved childhood coupled with sexual abouse as a kid is what keeps her stuck. Not fair.

id: 519255 - Text: Before you judge Jennifer for her 25.00 sex work, just know there are many of us out here having sex for free without condoms and don't have drug addictions!

id: 519343 - Text: People in the videos now, launch into their sexual abuse first off.

id: 519472 - Text: 15 CRITICAL Ways To Be More Masculine #1: Build Muscle #2: Stop being a nice guy, Be kind but not manipulative! #3: Do Hard things! Toughen up! Graduate, Run Marathons, Write books, Compete. #4: Don't tolerate disrespect from anyone! (Have healthy boundaries; know when to walk away) #5: Learn to Defend yourself & Fight; Muay Thai, Kickboxing, MMA, do something, get punched in the face, get over the block! #6: Read these books: The way of Men, The way of the Superior Man, Iron John #7: Practice Stoic Philosophy; Learn to control your emotions, how you feel about you & life #8: Master your emotions; Don't allow your emotions to dictate what you do! #9: Overcome your Fears... Scared of flights, women, rollercoasters? Get over it, be courageous :) #10: Practice Discomfort; Cold showers, grinding uncomfortable things out, facing your fears, whatever you're afraid of. #11: Take charge and RESPONSIBILITY; Be the leader, show initiative, figure it out YOURSELF! :) Do what you think is best, actually do it, take action #12: Discipline yourself, wake up on time, get to your meetings on time, go and lift, go and run, go do a marathon, GO! Masculinity = Action :) #13: Be dominant; Take charge & Do what you believe is best, seek to be the best, go for gold #1 #14: Focus on your GOALS! Don't live in Limbo! Become financially free & Succesful. #15 Never let someone treat you badly/ abusively. Learn when to shift or end relationships that cannot be changed. Bonus: 16: Be selfish, stop thinking so much about others, take carae of yourself first, think of the "get your oxygen mask first" metaphor Bonus 17: Speak your truth, perhaps this should be #1, say what you mean & believe, if it's important to you, say it! Don't feminize yourself by being agreeable always. Bonus 18: Have male friends! Bonus 19: Get good at sex, learn this, perhaps #3 on list of importance lol......................................

id: 519474 - Text: I love knowing that I am forced to work to support her food, sex and crack addiction. There is nothing I love more!! And btw, she knows she isn't helping anyone, anywhere, ever. That is a con to gather sympathy from you gullible people, and feed her ridiculous delusions. I would put money on the exact opposite of most everything she claims.

id: 519496 - Text: These videos are unethical! Listen to some of the stuff Mark has said, like 'hot heroin addicts get more views' and asking an addict that is now dead if she would have sex with him. So disgusting. People should not watch this channel, he is exploiting people who are desperate for money

id: 519595 - Text:  @milenanenova4008  many things. Amanda told him in the first interview that her father abused her. This guy (filmmaker) was forcing her to go live with her dad and to make videos together with him. Both him and her dad gave her money to buy drugs, he openly admits it in her videos. He also collaborates with a woman who claims to "heal people through the use of virtual reality". They give addicts VR goggles and put them into triggering situations. They did this experiment on Amanda. She is now dead. The man also said it makes sense to tape sexy addicts. It brings in the views and money. He is sick to the core.

id: 519625 - Text: It's amazing how many of these people say that their childhood was good and then they describe sexual abuse, physical abuse and/or mental abuse. Amazing and sad.

id: 519992 - Text: Wow! Illegal prostitution in Las Vegas has gotten so out of hand in the last 35 years. I had more action when I lived there than I did in the 3 days I was there prior to moving, when I was checking out where I was going to rent/live, but the prostitutes I came across were just trying to either score their next “ drug hit” or pay their own rent. The scenarios you talk about in this vid are way more in depth than TV shows and movies depict. On the other hand, it sounds like the pimps and girls have paid attention to those scripts and realized how stupid “johns” really are. I came across one at a bar in Westgate (back then it was the Las Vegas Hilton). Most of the time though I found them near the places they lived. I actually got to know some over several days before hooking up. That was years ago - I don’t do that anymore. I’ve become asexual since.

id: 520003 - Text:  @jerryoshea3116  not sure what you're asking do you want me to give you the names of all the girls that I've had sex with. ? it's a long list. 😛😂🤣😂
