31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 564957 - Text: He knew what was going on but he is not trying to solve her problems more than he is trying to help average people understand the problem to begin with through video documentation. Most people will go through their entire lives never interacting with people like this and will have no clue as to how bad off they really are. Mark is doing a bang up job as a middleman between these peoples lives and the understanding held by average people. He said in the video it's not his money it comes from funds donated by those who want to further the experiment and I doubt they are upset about this.

id: 564959 - Text:  @zzzdogutube  Don't feel bad for helping him. He was just following through to the end. You can't see the type of people he is interacting with and documenting and be surprised this happened. It should have been expected. And if it was a surprise you should keep watching the videos to really learn how absolutely screwed up some of these people are.

id: 564960 - Text: Im new to Marks videos. They are fantastic videos. Mark sounds like a nice guy. This lady is just a waste of time. She is so dumb. Person helps her and she goes right back to her dumb lifestyle. First with the bloods and then with the crips. She is a lost cause and her poor kids growing up in this mess.

id: 564965 - Text: I’m so sad that this video isn’t of her doing a zillion times better. I prayed for her with high hopes. Shes just programmed to be abused and not know how much she’s worth. ;(

id: 564976 - Text: I want people to remember this video, when people comment about Mark not helping or giving them resources. You can’t just give resources to people just because you want to save them. Because if a person is not self aware or accountability, it will always be wasted.

id: 564985 - Text: i knew something was off in the last video, and that she wasn't doing well underneath it all. i'm so sorry, mark. please be safe, and remember to look after you. good people can have the best intentions, and sadly, they tend to be taken advantage of the most. you are one of those good people. know that you are appreciated by us, and protect your heart.

id: 565012 - Text: This video leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. First, why, under any circumstances, does Marc think it is a reasonable thing to give someone $300 - 400 to thousands a day to turn their life around? This amount to close to over 10k a month. That is insane, that even before Marc figured out she was playing him, he thought that was a reasonable amount. You don't need 10k a month to turn someone life around. Like, Marc, Second of all, I start noticing a pattern here, Marc always seem to help a very specific type of person, namely young, attractive girl, who then inevitably turn on him. We never seen him extending the same help to some old homeless guy or scratchy old women. Kind of makes you wonder

id: 565015 - Text: Ugggh I could only watch 4 minutes of this video because it’s people like her that other people stop helping others!

id: 565024 - Text: I know by personal experience how difficult it is trying to help an addict. Even among rehab trained professionals it is common that the helper suffers from burn out, and this video makes it clear why. There is a very thin line between being a helper and an enabler. In order to help you cannot expect anything in return, not even a simple "thank you" or "i'm sorry". It's not gonna happen, I've been there. Addicts are incapable of true empathy - not necessarily because they're a bad person, it's simply what the addiction turns anyone into. You get into a tunnel mindset where the only priority is junk and the shortest way to junk, everything else is secondary. As hard as it seems especially when you care for someone, when things get to this point the only way to help is to cut loose.

id: 565027 - Text: I unfortunately knew a video like this would happen. One reason I feed people but, had out no cash right away.
