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id: 566154 - Text:  @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  Mark, aren't you worried that she's in even more danger now this video is up? Just a question. I mean, he, if true, is operating within a gang, so being kind of exposed on video, talking about certain things, might end bad for the both of them, and you too.

id: 566176 - Text:  @AlexKarasev  Well-said. Nothing more to add to your comment specifically. But my general reaction to this video is one of curiosity. My insulated and privileged life leaves ignorant to Asriah's specific life, obviously, but also just to the nature of life in the hood in general. Why is it so difficult to get out of it? Also, do you all think that she truly lacked remorse or that she just didn't let on that she was? I feel like if she truly intended to use the opportunity to change her life, she would've used the money to start over some place far away. I wonder why she stayed in the area when the very things and people she was trying to leave behind are there. I agree with most of the comments about this being a great learning opportunity and I appreciate these videos a lot. Definitely a lot more yet to be learned though, at least for me. Keep up the good work, Mark

id: 566180 - Text: The reason why I'd disagree is that there was not a single question about the kids. Not a single one. That's what i really cared for. Asriah is clearly a lost cause. It's sad, but what about the kids? Why would kids on Earth need $1K a day.... for what on God's Earth? Fly could've and should've been grilled on that a bit more. And why not pose the question much, much sooner, like when it was still hundreds a day? This video left me extremely confused and frankly unsettled about the whole mission of the channel. Just my deeply honest opinion and reaction.

id: 566194 - Text:  @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  yeah it would be. It doesn't challenge this horrific mess in any way. I hope you stop putting vulnerable women and children at risk, Mark. I very much doubt that you will. How about a video on you reporting this to children's services? No? Thought not.

id: 566214 - Text:  @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  there’s a Reddit post to this video. Lots of people giving you a hard time about a certain comment you made. I think if they read this specific comment here, they would understand your goal. Thanks, Mark.

id: 566222 - Text: Where is the video of her pimp? Does he do an interview?

id: 566223 - Text:  @jcosson10  There is a solo video of him. His name is Sharp.

id: 566238 - Text: ​ @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  Looking at all the videos like this on your channel...what are you learning here that you didn't already know? You're definitely not teaching her anything or helping her. She already knows and has heard anything you could possibly say. There is nothing anyone can do to fix her situation aside from incarcerating her for an extended period so time removes them both from each other's equations. I honestly think after watching this second video of her and seeing the solicitation at the end, funding these people makes you no different than one of her customers. You're doing damage by enabling and are the only one ultimately benefiting by putting this train wreck on display for all of Youtube to see. The only difference between this and paying 2 homeless people to fight is you're putting yourself and family at risk.

id: 566240 - Text:  @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  alot of us here “get you” Mark. Its just sad to see a video like this. Where people get greedy and predatory towards the hands that feeds. You have to keep your own safety in mind Mark. God Bless you for being a selfless man. God help this girl Azriah

id: 566302 - Text: Why did you make this video? To embarrass her? Or to make sure she is harmed??
