58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 51117 - Text: A large amount of porn stars were usually sexually abused as a child unfortunately.

id: 51151 - Text: She never had a chance from jump street with all the sexual & physical abuse in her childhood.

id: 51159 - Text: So much beauty on the outside but pain, darkness, and brokenness on the inside covered up by sexual pleasures and money. Wow!

id: 51191 - Text: I don't care how "open minded" I am. My wife would NEVER be having sex with different men every week. It's not even a "macho" thing. I think men that allow that are 99% doing it for the money, which it makes it worst in my opinion. They are basically PIMPS.

id: 51197 - Text: L.A.= $atanic SexFarm. Reboot humanity

id: 51208 - Text:  @jesse-4198  going from your comment I would guess you began abusing drugs at a very young age. When I say "I read somewhere" what I mean is: "I read in a scientific journal on psychology while studying child psychology in college." It's not like I read it in a comic book. Further if you think that her being raped and molested had nothing to do with her choice of being a sex industry worker well. You just aren't very observant. Alot of anger for someone who ignores cue after cue.

id: 51209 - Text:  @jesse-4198  yeah reading above your comprehension can be rough. That you think I'm just talking shit about her shows your lack of understanding. I'm talking shit about the kind of people who sexually abuse young children and arrest their emotional development. The type of people who would steer them towards porn or prostitution to sate their cravings for cash, power, and sex.. She is a victim I am just pointing out the wounds that are apparent. Hell I even mentioned my own dalliance with substances that has hindered me. Anyone who would stick their chest out and scream that they did drugs at a young age and turned out just fine so everyone else should too! Did not in fact turn out "just fine." If they cannot see the ways addiction and abuse have hurt them then they are farther gone than they know.

id: 51236 - Text: Yes, wrecked me...and subsequently my children because most of my life became drugs and men and sex. It's a domino affect. Thank you Jesus I was paralyzed in 2015 and things changed and my life isn't that at all anymore. But I didn't realize the abuse had such an atrocious impact on my life until I'd withdrawn from sex and relationships and then eventually from the drugs. I saw how trauma steered my entire life and I'd suppressed and compartmentalized and smiled all while dying inside with self loathing and anger. It was a process but it's possible to heal, particularly with God as the Captain. I'm not perfect, I still struggle with PTSD and anxiety but I understand what I'm dealing with and why so it's easier to address my history with an "experience" state of mind and and gratitude for my deliverance from that stronghold over me. That is another part of my testemony not who I am anymore. And my children are with me at my most crippled yet healed state I've ever been in. God is real, Jesus is our Salvation and He does heal in Ways you can't fathom until you believe on Him and He reveals Himself in your life. Immeasurable. We still suffering this world but our suffering are intended to bring us to a place of surrender. To a place of faith. We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ Jesus alone. ♡Ephesians 2:8-9 *For by grace- [WHICH WE ALL NEED BC WE'RE ALL MESSY SHY OF GOD] *you have been saved- [BEEN FORGIVEN & GAINED SALVATION AND ETERNAL LIFE] *through faith- [IN JESUS AND HIS GOSPEL OF SALVATION BY FAITH ALONE IN WHAT HE DID FOR YOU & ALL OF MANKIND] *and that not of yourselves;- [BY NOTHING YOU'VE DONE OR DO] *it is the gift- [FREE GIFT] *of God, 9 not of works- [WORKS OF THE FLESH OR OF THE LAWS OF MOSES/10 COMMANDMENTS] *lest anyone should boast.- [SO NO ONE CAN BRAG; 🕊BUT THOSE WHO WISH TO BOAST SHOULD BOAST IN THIS ALONE: THAT THEY TRULY KNOW ME [Jesus] AND UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE LORD WHO DEMONSTRATES UNFAILING LOVE AND AND WHO BRINGS JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS TO THE EARTH...Jeremiah 9:24- ] Read Romans 10:9-10 🕊

id: 51260 - Text: Can we please make child abuse the issue we focus on? She's an adult who can choose sex work, she can't choose her past.

id: 51264 - Text: yeah, but isn't she abusing her own child by working in sex industry? imagine the shame the kid's gonna get in school or throughout life
