31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 66900 - Text: I'm watching these videos as I struggle with addiction currently. Her story is the most relateable (not as traumaic) and I'm just so scared. Sending this girl love and hopes for healing <3

id: 66931 - Text: Everytime I bitch about the shit I got going on in my life I reflect on these videos to remind me that it can be far worst. Count your blessings everyone

id: 66955 - Text: I hope some of the money you make from these videos is put towards the people in them, I'm sure with a good therapist she could have a really bright future. It's such a shame

id: 67209 - Text: I've watched a lot of your videos and let me tell you this check right here is the most honest person out of all the people I've seen you Interview. I have mad respect for this girl it is sad that you know she's had to go through this the things in her life but she is the most honest straight up like I don't even know how to explain it just mad props to this girl you're off those are the only words I can come up with....

id: 67303 - Text: after 5 years sober from opioids i recently relapsed for a couple weeks, i went to a methadone clinic and watching these videos to remind myself not to go down the drug user path

id: 67347 - Text: soo sad, a lot of these videos same issue Parents..... not there, ding, on something, leaving there children, and starts the vicious cycle :(

id: 67420 - Text: I hate how 90% of these girls smack their mouths and lips . I won't be able to finish this video because she is always saying ummmmm ummmmmmmmm.

id: 67484 - Text: Sure hope this guy she's discussing doesn't see this video. 🤦‍♂️

id: 67526 - Text: I mean at least she's honest but by telling the story about this dude she is hustling she probably lost that "income". 🤦🏼‍♀️ hope she gets it together, she deserves it and very much can do it. I hope one day she gets clean, finds love maybe becomes a mother or a career.... and she doesn't later regret this video.

id: 67547 - Text: She seems super down to earth and when I read the title of the video before I watched it I didn't expect her to be this well spoken
