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id: 521096 - Text: I find it interesting the video is called scams. This sounds like serious crimes drugging people, and assault/ sexual harassments. I used to want to come to the casino's but man you make it sound scary as hell like it's nothing but a bunch of perverted demons who want to rob you. I've been to casino in phillipines and it was not scary like this. Didn't see no prostitutes at all in the casino nor was my drinks drugged. I just left with loss money of my own volunteer to the slot machines.

id: 521098 - Text: Weak men have to pay for sexual favor.... man up

id: 521117 - Text: Thanks Jacob for the heads up. The last time I was in Vegas was back in (2004? 05??) I didn't utilize the services of any of the "ladies of the evening", but I was mildly amazed at the sheer amounts of paper flyers (or "baseball cards" as I referred to them as) that literally littered so many streets and walkways, of women, (and a few men, and "they/thems") advertising their "wares" and services. A few of these things even made their way in and onto the floors of more than one major casino. (Probably before they were spotted and picked up by a hotel/casinos custodial staff?) Now that damn near everyone has a "smart" cell phone, I am curious if such flyers still litter some portions of Las Vegas? I ask because I am assuming that such people would just advertise online...thereby eliminating the need for so many flyers??? Just curious. PS I must not be as "pretty" as I thought I was--even back in 2004 or 2005, because I don't recall ANY gal approaching ME about ANYTHING at ANYTIME (except a cocktail waitress or two) that offered even a HINT of any kind of "proposal" or "proposition" that had any element of the sexual to it.😭😭😶

id: 521121 - Text: I have never had to pay for sex. It's sad that they got to sell them self's...

id: 521152 - Text: A lot of people ask me, 'Kenny Powers, you're a giant superstar. You can get any woman. Have you ever paid for sex?' And the answer is yes, I have. Several times, in fact. And it's actually kinda cool. You can negotiate practically anything and sometimes, even just kind of do stuff in the moment that you never agreed to pay for and it goes by without much argument

id: 521161 - Text: any man who pays for sex is a loser

id: 521167 - Text: California there would be phone numbers and sex leaflets under my hotel door. The pimps and drug dealers would be in the lobbies. I sure there were a lot of empty wallets when the pigeon sobered up in the morning.

id: 521175 - Text: 2:54 starts here. If you want to gain some insight about how and why NV regulates the sex industry, watch prior to that mark.

id: 521178 - Text: My ex was a gambler. Me, not at all. Since I provided her cash as needed, I stayed on the casino floor, but as far from the action & noise as possible. One night it was the baccarat table in the back. I found a quiet spot and sat patiently observing. It was my custom to dress up in a jacket and tie, and back in those days I was handsome. Before long, I spotted the most sensual & sexy well-dressed young woman walking slowly toward me, eyes fixed on me. I guessed she was a pro who had slipped past security. When she finally reached me, Rover was at full staff. She asked me if I wanted a date. Did I ever! Smartest thing I ever did was tell her I was with my wife, over at the slots. Then I looked her in the eyes and said if I was looking for a date it would be with you! I meant it. She smiled and walked on. This woman was far hotter than my cold wife and all other women I had ever met. Fifty years later I can still play that scene in my head. Something saved me that night.

id: 521195 - Text: Stop these videos lifes a bitch and and at the end of the day if that’s what you worried about no shit thing’s gonna happen I’ve been to Vegas multiple times dont you know the the 3 major words are no I’m good or stop putting yourself out there for getting robbed or killed if you not looking for a girl how could that happen you must been looking for sex or prostitution get real
