31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 566727 - Text: That's not how I hoped this update was going to be. Hopefully you are happier or at least more comfortable now Asriah. Mark i really appreciate your perspective and these videos

id: 566743 - Text: I have to admit.. you were being incredibly naive giving her all that money donated by us your viewers.. Why didn't you get her professional help and support?? Your texting relationship was very inappropriate, clearly you were taking on more then you could handle. Are you going to replace all those crazy amounts of money you gave to that pimp?? By videoing this vulnerable woman, of course you will expose her to all the scum looking to take advantage somehow. You really need to set up a proper support structure for how you handle people in desperate situations like hers. Having a saviour complex is not going to help those with ingrained personal problems, trust me I know! I appreciate your honesty at least, goes a long way. Although you still benefit from the drama all this brings up increasing your views...

id: 566792 - Text: Also if she was really INTO it…CRIPPING she wouldn’t even have did this video and he definitely wouldn’t have cuz this definitely shined a negative light on it especially with you even MENTIONING law enforcement, they probably have gang ties but not as deeply as they are making it seem smh I’m pissed she tried to play you like that

id: 566807 - Text: literally just watch his videos. I’ve been subscribed for years and the guests always speak about themselves. He just got played by her, he can express his hurt however.

id: 566809 - Text: Yesina, this video reveals Mark had very little understanding whatsoever. Jesus is the true light in this world.

id: 566859 - Text: Let this video be an example if your a weak minded person give your kids up and dont front like you want them back.

id: 566917 - Text: This may be an unprecedented live coverage of overinvolvement. Time has to tell whether this can have a good impact, but I rather expect it may not: any sort of professional help needs to retain a certain amount of distance, be it doctors, psychologists, or social workers. Imagine if this pimp had been more violent against the girl or Mark and how that would undercut any form of help. I appreciate this channel very much, but after watching this video I start to think Mark should keep up a few more boundaries around himself and perhaps also let organizations review his work that have been helping people for a longer time.

id: 566926 - Text: well he does work with organizations as well, for example with Ashley (RIP). However, although a more hands off approach might be more effective, just imagine that Mark hears these stories multiple times a day. he builds relationships with some of these people so you could imagine how his compassion doesn't allow him to be so "hands off". But he's also waaay too smart to allow people to continue to take advantage the way this young lady and her pimp did. This may be a very sad video but it was very necessary

id: 566937 - Text:  @carljohnson8732  I do, too. But, with this betrayal, the scope of the work she's going to have to do to get back what we conceive to be 'all-right' just got steep. Maybe she never had the tools or is too bent to hope for her autonomy. Seems that if a miracle is to happen, a horrific pain to awaken is going to have to surface. The shame she exhibited in the video is simply too small to hope for change. It isn't going to be soon, for sure; she has to go get that money, and blot out that burgeoning small, still voice with drugs and repeated lessons on the 'nobility' of 'hood life and standing by your 'man'. The tats on her face serve as scars of something too sad to be attractive..

id: 566965 - Text: He's been doing this a long time he can't be this nieve. I'm not trying to come at him. I don't think he has ill intentions but I think the money to her was for this video. Oh we're in the mountains and I need $2000 a day? It just doesn't make sense. If she had an apartment why was she in the mountains? Vacation getaway. He might have started with the pure intention of getting her on her feet, which is amazing. Although, once she started asking for obscene amounts of money he had to have known. Then the motive turned to proving the point of the cultural (for the video.) Which is not a bad thing.
