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id: 567368 - Text: It blows my mind. I am single mom, who went through absolute hell as a child, mother killed my brother. Rape, been on my own since I was 14, I have struggled my entire life and I can’t get no body to help me pay my rent one month literally. Like agencies…anyone anywhere, I work everyday, literally a full time job, can’t get gov assistance. Nothing like where are the “Marks” here? I have one child… I just don’t get it. Uggg smh I’ve literally watched everyone one of your videos and this saddens me she took advantage of the situation.

id: 567484 - Text: I was a bit surprised that she'd agree to do this interview, but it eventually became clear that, contrary to what a lot of people on here are saying, she isn't registering a sense of culpability on any level. And why should she? Our man Mark (whose work certainly has a lot of value) spends half the video falling all over himself trying to excuse both her AND her pimp with some kind of "nurture = destiny" rationalization, and it's easy to see how this serves all of them: Asriah, a lying manipulator despite being a victim, gets to feel like a passive object in the story of her own life (and that of her kids). Fly, a pimp (though, as he hilariously put it, not a pimp "per se") and therefore also a manipulator, gets to feel like the pimp of the century. And rightly so! How many pimps have GoFundMe income streams? And Mark gets to feel like he didn't enable any of this by throwing money at somebody who obviously wasn't trustworthy. A trifecta! Why is it obvious that she was lying to him? How could it not be? Even without rent and car payments taken care of, even with kids to feed and clothe and keep in video games and all that, there is simply nobody on this planet who "needs" a thousand dollars a day to get by, even in Los Angeles. We're talking about $365,000 per year, people. I'm sure Mark's skills at arithmetic are as capable as my own. A lot of people grow up in bad households with awful parents. Many come from far worse circumstances than either of these two, hard as it may be for Americans to believe. Ever heard of central Africa? How about central America? Or southeast Asia? Or the Balkans? Or, indeed, Iraq and Syria? A lot of people my age in Rwanda would love to have had the kinds of opportunities that both of these manipulators take for granted. For that matter, there are doubtless many prostitutes and single mothers in LA who would love to have somebody like Mark in their lives, and NOT so that they could just take him for everything his web campaign will allow. And what about single mothers who aren't drug addicts and prostitutes? What about single moms who live in terrible neighborhoods and work three jobs and worry themselves into premature old age about how their own kids are going to turn out? Where's their savior? What makes Asriah so special? Asriah's had a very tough life, no question. But a tough life is not a license to fuck people over, especially when they're trying, however ineffectually, to help you out. People are not robots, to be programmed well or badly. We all make choices, and she's made hers.

id: 567522 - Text: This is rediculous these are the worst this girl cares nothing about her future or her kids cuz if she did she would be keeping her distance and now u all see the real picture it's so easy to walk away if you want to I know this for a fact so don't trust these people they want this life if they didn't this would not be the video we are watching I can assure you most of these folks can look you dead in the face and say I want a better life well you see she had it and she was only being vindictive to get high be cool and feel like there some tough mf when in reality there weak I live on these streets I'm not perfect but damn if someone helped me like this you would see me prosper this shit makes me sic I'm out here struggling and want a hand up then I see this it's disgusting folks

id: 567547 - Text: I really wanted to scream during this video. I get it’s a whole web of a life I could never understand, but how does her boyfriend get off calling what he does to her “work’. The whole thing is so sad.

id: 567555 - Text: After watching this video….she is in deep trouble…..i know deep down she wants to apologize….but…..this is why when people say “why can they just help”….this is why…its deeper than that…and Mark is in deep shit as well…mark should relocate. You can tell she wants out….and that guy is corny

id: 567570 - Text: This whole video makes me uncomfortable

id: 567577 - Text: You have done a great job Mark, much more involved than I thought. When you compare this video with the last one ,you can see Asriah has lost something , you can call it hope or plans for the future. Makes me sad , I really hope Asriah and her kids could have a decent life . I know I am naive , but In the last video everything looked so positive , I did not see this come. Come on Asriah , do not give up the hope of a good future , both for you and the kids ! We all love people who comes back after being down. Come on Asriah , please try once more !

id: 567580 - Text: Yeah it was clear in the first video as well

id: 567582 - Text: I didn’t feel much emotion from her in the second video. I hate to be judgmental but your right and it’s sad that she took advantage of Mark. Who knows if she’ll ever have that chance. Now it’s up to her if she really wants to change.

id: 567589 - Text: I understand Mark has a kind heart, but you make it seem like he's naive. Yes, you do have to be somewhat idealistic to believe that you can help some of these people, but I doubt he would let himself be played to that extent. Or it could be that he may have suspected she was playing games, and maybe even was a little bit complicit in those games in order to make her believe she can change her life. These situations aren't always black and white as we like to think, we all play a game to a certain extent. Mark willingly chose to play hers, but also knew where to draw the line. This video was where he drew the line.
