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id: 567824 - Text: Terrible girl she is. Her and her pimp need to be removed from the children before he starts selling them if he hasn’t already. Mark said he saw video equipment and toys. I can’t imagine. Lol, her man’s name is Fly. That’s perfect.

id: 567844 - Text: As Arnold Schwarzenegger said "Shit happens"... some people on this earth might earn less that you give to this Woman in first place, not to mention Car, House,... Good that you put this video so people realize more how things are on this earth... Hope, we all have hope... but we have to be cautious to not turn it in an illusion... I also have Hope for her, but I know that in the end will not work, because it need a continued support.... it looks like it turn out sooner then I was expected and in the middle of support ... so this is really bad... Good that you made this video to show everyone....

id: 567870 - Text: You could tell something was off in the previous update video. In that one she was much less engaged in the conversation and gave short, basic answers. Mark talked almost the entire time. We can all appreciate the amazing intent to help these people, but this is a dangerous situation for Mark.

id: 567876 - Text: you know, i didnt want to be disrespectful in the last video but all the imes you said you were helping her out, she had no response, not even a thankyou on camera. you are too good to people, i understand its all a gamble but damn bro... thousands wow!!!

id: 567890 - Text: Wow this shit is so real its wild...I had chills watching this. Your work is amazing mark. I can picture myself right where Asriah is the hustle is so painful to the ones that love you. And from marks end having a loved one destroy frustrating. So many feelings flying around in this video so raw and incredibly real.

id: 567952 - Text: @Rachel Coffey  agreed, you could see that she was so uncomfortable and so quiet compared to her two previous videos, and when Fly arrived on camera...well I think a blind man could see what was really happening there... such a shame.

id: 567962 - Text: i was expecting this after the second rarely happens that people just allow to be safed like that. her trauma turned her reckless towards herself and others. none of us has even the slightest clue what she went through...she might be far beyond a happy end...after all, what do we know about hell if we are told that its hot?

id: 568018 - Text: As painful as this video is, it’s really enlightening, I am surprised you gave her so much money directly rather than just paying bills and getting her something like a $1k charge card in her name that way it’s easy to track what the money is spent on, also good insight, maybe the best chance for doing something like this is moving them out of the continental US and they need to give up their cellphone, maybe have no cellphone at all for a bit Just trying to brainstorm because I think this work is still really important

id: 568042 - Text: I've watched all the Asriah videos in 24 hours — what a story. An emotional rollercoaster for both her and Mark.

id: 568088 - Text:  @actiontree458  I've been reading ten's of comments after viewing some of these videos, and I think yours nails it the best. I grew up in working class family where my parents fostered due to their quiet but strong Catholic faith, and definitely impacted me in a good way. Long story short, I worked in non-profit for years and saw people who fell into basically two categories, the ones who had self-determination and appreciated the help & resources, and those who knew every avenue to exploit. I think the host of this show, albeit, time may not allow him, should perhaps start a non-profit, engage a director & via volunteers/mentors or grants to hire staff, who can pinpoint resources & available i.e. Salvation Army, YMCA, Catholic Charities, and the like, and foster pathways for the people he encounters - not this giving cash randomly, esp if it's coming from fundraising efforts; otherwise, there will be stories like this continually happening.
