58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 522195 - Text: You sr are a piece of shit you self!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shameful behavior!!!!! From you and anyone paying for sex because you’re not man enough to get it consensually!!!!!!!!!!!!!

id: 522204 - Text: What kind of loser pays for sex?

id: 522209 - Text: Most women scam men. Sometimes I think the prostitutes are the honest ones unless they drug or assault you. But, if they are trading sex for money and both people agree to the transaction that is fine with me.

id: 522211 - Text: By taking your money for sex

id: 522218 - Text: I said to a hooker in Las Vegas one time that I didn't feel like I should have to pay for sex. She said, "Well honey, you're going to pay for it one way or another."

id: 522320 - Text: This guy looks like he has to pay for sex

id: 522326 - Text: If you're on holiday shopping for sex, skip Vegas and go to Amsterdam or somewhere similar instead!

id: 522365 - Text: Decriminalization MIGHT make prostitution MUCH safer.....For a little while....Though there will always be that element that wants something a little "extra". "Extra"??.... You do the math to answer THAT.😶 In my not-so-humble opinion, the only thing that would help is POSSIBLY trying to educate people on the nature of sex/sexuality to eliminate irrational and hyper hypocritical prudery. (Though I say "GOOD LUCK!" to THAT🤣🤣😶) I DO find it quite stunning that the PORNOGRAPHY industry is allowed to basically continue UNABATED, yet immediate sex for immediate cash is basically forbidden....I suppose IF the pornography industry is STILL a multi BILLION industry, then PERHAPS they would lobby against legal prostitution since it MIGHT cut in on their profits??? Just a theory. NOTE: Since the advent of the internet and the "free" pornography that is available on it, I don't know if the pornography industry is STILL a multi BILLION $ industry...I'm fairly certain it was when it had "A-list" celebrity stars like Jenna Jameson-- but when SHE was at her prime, the internet was still in its "prepubecense" (if not it's "infancy").

id: 522388 - Text: If you're paying for sex then you've already being scammed

id: 522392 - Text: anyone who hires a sex worker is a terrible person
