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id: 568140 - Text:  @citylights2285  she seemed genuinely happy in the last video, before the pimp came back.

id: 568177 - Text: She don’t give a damn. She took Mark’s kindness as weakness. That cry in the other video wasn’t genuine.

id: 568228 - Text: To me she doesnt look apologetic, she looks embarassed/ashamed to have been caught. She looks like she knows what she did wasnt right but doesnt care if it was right or wrong. I think she cares about how her circumstances will change, but doesnt want to take accountability, numb. I hope she turns her life around, but her lack of commentary and eye contact in this video kind of speaks volumes to me. Just my opinion on this interesting and sad interaction between the interviewer and subjects.

id: 568299 - Text: I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that people like you go under the radar for consideration to become Nobel laureates. People like show exactly what the world doesn't want to see and what needs to be addressed and that is the human condition. I've been a subscriber to you're Channel for some time now and stories like this one cut deep. Asriah looks like she still has great potential but the world she lives in is to enticing to leave. It's as if it has it's own gravitational pull but she obviously lacks the escape velocity to get away from it. As I watched the video I could hear and feel the shear disappointment and hurt in your voice. I can relate to doing almost the same thing with a young woman some time ago. Trying to help a person that obviously doesn't want the help is hard but telling them that you can no longer support their lifestyle is even harder... my hope is that you don't let this and other setbacks deter you from being a good human, keep fighting the good fight and keep up the good work. Stay safe and godspeed. Psalms 23...

id: 568300 - Text: Mark, please understand THIS is your job and you need to seperate it from YOUR life. I can tell from this video you are breaking the boundaries of your work and your life. You are a kind and generous man, but please be careful in involving yourself into the lives of others that take away from your actual life. Much love and respect

id: 568302 - Text: This makes me so sad, I have showed her videos to many people, and I will also show this one, cause this is the reality of how people get sucked back in! And Mark, I'm sorry cause I feel the pain and disappointment in your voice! She feels terrible, and ashamed, you can see it... Im scared for her! And I pray she can see her worth, and I pray she stays safe!

id: 568315 - Text: Ok I’ll just say it: does he not sound like a scorned ex-lover who thought he was going to be the Richard Gere to her Julia Roberts but is now somehow shocked and offended to discover that his attempt to “pretty woman” this situation was really just a long and expensive escort appointment and he’s the ultimate “trick” and probably those two’s best customer/John in history? I mean giving a young struggling mother - who only weeks ago was having to resort to prostitution and is an admitted active gang member - thousands of dollars, multiple days in a row…at some point we have to consider the complicity of the host, not least of all because of the education, knowledge, and experience pointed out by everybody else on this thread. I am a fan of the channel and believe it overwhelmingly does important work with these videos, but this particular example stands out to me as different and problematic.

id: 568318 - Text: So sorry that happens to you. You're a man with a genuine heart to help people. God Bless you. Thank you for the videos.

id: 568320 - Text: I needed to pause this video. Asriah, please dont be too hard on yourself. Eventho you may feel you let yourself kids Mark down. Breath and start over. I wanna see you win!! Much love send your way

id: 568330 - Text: Wow. Mark, I have to say I'm blown away by this video. She was quiet the whole time, and at 12:03, his hand is visibly shaking. They know what happens when wronging someone and getting caught for it. You had every right to get angry, even the smallest amount, but you didn't. It couldn't have been easy, but you continued with your mission. This is a paragon of one's dedication to their values. And that makes video in particular so powerful. The last thing either of them would have expected at this point is patience, compassion, and understanding. And I can assure you that if they have no further contact with you, this exchange will stay with them for the rest of their lives, and it may even have a significant impact on how they live their lives. None of the above would have been possible if they were shamed, even to a small degree. Mark's strength to not do that was impressive.
