31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 568354 - Text: PROTECT MARK AT ALL COSTS! You’re heaven sent. Asriah really disappointed me in this video. I’m glad you’re setting boundaries and stopping her access to your help. It’s unfair to you financially and mentally.

id: 568388 - Text: Damn. I was so proud of her after the 2nd video and so hopeful that she was gonna do right for her babies and stay on the right path.

id: 568470 - Text: This is my 1st comment but I've seen many of your videos. Keep up the great work & keep fighting that good fight. Unfortunately I'm guessing Asriah will be back at some point soon when things go south with this young man. I know you'll do what you think is best. I just hope her & her kids make it through this. Great job Mark & love your channel!!

id: 568516 - Text: I’m so sorry Mark that this young lady has completely destroyed what she had between you and her, but you need to protect what you have going on with this great & positive business you have right here! And as for Asriah, may God bless her but this is a very disgusting thing she had done, bc when she came out in the last video she was LITERALLY ACTING that everything was alright, and she not just lied to you but to us who have been helping, and I’m so sorry to say but I don’t want to help someone that’s such a good liar! It’s scary to see how much of a professional liar this young lady is, but what I can definitely do for her is pray to God and let God take over from here & I wish her the best of luck!

id: 568525 - Text: Damn, what a slap in the face. The better part of this video is Mark doesn't let these outcomes stop him from trying to help, that is so admirable. This is not the first and won't be the last these girls take advantage of his kindess. Ughhh I hate to see this happen because Makrk deserves so much more than these girls show him. 😔

id: 568536 - Text: Watching this video has totally ruined my day. I was really rooting for this young lady and her kids to have a better life. It’s a real sad situation. God bless you Mark, don’t ever give up you’re a people champion..

id: 568555 - Text: I was literally just rewatching her other two videos last night. I was so excited to see that there was a new update.. I was hoping for a different outcome. I’m still hoping for a different outcome for her.

id: 568566 - Text: So many layers to this video. Mark's very obvious pain and disappointment. He is clearly invested in her wellbeing and future, to be duped like this is awful. Her whole body language and facial expressions hardened when she realized the money train was over. And no gratitude whatsoever...not even a small and humble thankyou. Nothing. That pained me the most for Mark. I do wish her well though, and hope somehow she can find her way out this for herself and importantly for the wellbeing and future of her children.

id: 568576 - Text: You people that own the bank all your assets, that work for 50 years in a shitty job you don't like and even if you do no one cares, replaced after a day missing, that live hypnotized by TV commercials, series, and films that tell you what to want, living life clinging to materialism and comfort, watch these videos to compare a life you don't like but are making an effort to believe you do, to a life you believe in so far worse, full of pain and struggle, you throw your money at these people and expect them to join the line, you do that so you can feel better about the life you've chosen, like there's nothing else out there. They have the style you romanticize, they see the world like you would like to see, they fuck like you'd like someone to fuck you, they are dangerous without nothing to lose like you'd like to be. Shut the fuck up.

id: 568587 - Text: I couldn't tell if she was gonna cry the entire video or if she really doesn't care that this kind man it's trying to help her so much. She doesn't seem like she really wants help.
