58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 51335 - Text: Ron Jeremy neglects to talk about these girls .....and why they go into porn. Sexual abuse being a prime reason.

id: 51338 - Text: Ptsd goes 2 ways. High sex drive. Or none.

id: 51363 - Text: Sex abuse conditions the victim to seek attention/get all needs met by sex. Desensitizes them to physical and emotional pain. She isn’t living a dream

id: 51395 - Text: Luna is a beautiful soul. The system failed her so miserably. I hope she finds peace and gets out of the sex industry she is worth so much more.

id: 51414 - Text: Borderline Personality Disordered.............abandonment and sexual abuse as a child. They will NEVER be relationship material and are themselves passive aggressive abusive towards men. Run.

id: 51515 - Text: It most certainly is. Alot of foster parents simply do it for the cheques they recieve for having the kids... Its so damn sad. I know plenty of people who have been in the foster system and its quite rare to hear very good or positive stories.. almost all have some type of abuse, neglect, sexual trauma ... quite disturbing and disheartening 😥 And Canada is not any different. The same crap happens over here.

id: 51527 - Text:  @nathansmith1972  also sex traffickers

id: 51555 - Text: It's a scary thought that most people who are in the sex (including porn) industry have a history of sexual abuse...

id: 51643 - Text: I am so sorry sweetheart! I know people say that too you all the time... I can only speak for myself that I am truly sorry you have experienced that. I was messed with sexually as a child as well so I can empathize with some of what you've been through. Get out of that business! It will eat your soul alive! You're more valuable than you treat yourself!

id: 51668 - Text: Even if it does, it still provides to those people. It's easy to say that they take advantage but in reality Luna also said that she loves it and it fullfils her. Also, she feels safe in the business as there are safety measures. Not to mention the income she must have, I assume 6 digits. I would also argue, although I'm not an expert, that the unconscious plays a big role in these stories. I mean, people in the porn industry usually have some sexual fixation which can originate from young age due to abuse, molestation, rape. Then a question arises, whether the porn industry isn't a collective expression of broken people. In that case it wouldn't take advantage of broken people but exist as a manifestation of their mind.
