31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 568771 - Text: I could honestly tell in the second video that Asriah wasn’t ready. She was having a really hard time moving on from the life she’s been living. It’s all she knows. I could see her questioning everything and she wasn’t comfortable in her new lifestyle. Mark, I think maybe you should reconstruct how you’re helping people. It doesn’t take a thousand dollars a day for ANYONE to live. I would say cut cash completely. Pay for exactly what they need. Gift cards to grocery stores. Etc. But no free cash that could be spent on anything. I know you want to help but giving free cash to people who have lived in survival mode only gets you taken advantage of. There’s got to be a different way. I see why he helped Asriah because she definitely did seem more aware and seemed to have more potential than others on here. Unfortunately this life is all she’s ever known, not only for herself but anyone close to her. Also, is that a bruise under her eye? So fucking sad. And what’s going on with the kids, where are they 😔

id: 568778 - Text: Mark you're wild for expecting that wouldn't could you not? I wonder if you just did it to have another story to share. I enjoy these videos though.

id: 568831 - Text: I watched the first two videos and only thing I thought was how tough this young girl is. She's been through a lot of pain and hurting and she's still fighting back. You can see in the second video she looked better, had more confidence. I thought I would love to get this lady into a true MMA gym, build her confidence and give her fighting side a chance to grow. Help her build skills to have a better life. This video you can see she's just stuck, and its really sad.

id: 568837 - Text: I was rooting for you Asriah.. breaks my heart after watching this video 😔😔

id: 568858 - Text: Sorry but I could see this coming. She was telling him exactly what he wanted to hear from the very beginning. People like that view acts of kindness as weakness. They see their victims as simply wanting to be instantly virtuous so that's exactly what she did for him--just like one of her "John's" wanting a sex act performed. And just like one of her "John's," he paid her for the service. And as a victimizer, she's right. It's the easiest thing in the world to hand someone money and feel good about yourself. That doesn't involve a true commitment to help the person change, and doesn't require the person you are supposedly helping to actually do anything. The video didn't go deeper into it but Mark was basically supplying her pimp with a free location to run his business. Maybe the pimp had other girls working out of that apartment as well? Or selling drugs? Think about the consequences put on the other residents of that apartment building? If you truly want to help someone you don't hand them money based on their words. You present them with a different pathway and encourage them to make a choice. Set up guideposts just like a caseworker would. Require proof the person is showing up for drug/alcohol counseling or therapy. Showing up for the job that was obtained for them. Showing up for the classes they signed up for in the trade they told you was something they would like to do. Are their kids showing up at school? Is she meeting a basic criteria that would justify providing additional resources? People in horrible circumstances make the right choice all the time. But when you start hearing the excuses and very articulate reasons why the person can't even make the smallest effort--that's when you know. Before you give the woman a car--see if she is willing to take the bus. This is such a huge problem in our society. People have been conditioned to hear words and see images--then apply their own emotions to the situation rather than deal with reality. There is a lot of good that Mark can do--but please, don't hand these people money with little to no supervision or enforced standards. They didn't earn the money so it doesn't mean what you think it "should" mean to them. You want to get a more accurate picture of the person? Start interviewing their caseworkers, family members, probation/parole officers, etc. I know, Mark is not DCFS or another government or private agency. He said it himself, he's a guy with a camera. So focus on the good that he is doing by being a guy with a camera. The wider public needs to see this world--which unfortunately has been around for a very long time. Finally, I hope that car isn't in Mark's name. If it is--get it back! That pimp is probably using it, or it's getting borrowed by various people in her orbit. The image Mark may have had in his head of her using the car to drive her kids to school is not the likely outcome.

id: 568870 - Text: Thank you Mark for encouraging those you who want to change. As for this video it's hard to watch. 🙏🏻

id: 568878 - Text: She’ll never change I coulda told u that from the first video

id: 568925 - Text: My question is how are parents and family to prevent their children from ending up like this? What if the childhood is one of neglect and abuse and the parents' goal seems to be to destroy their children? Then how do you help? Can you? These questions are why I watch these videos.

id: 568954 - Text: I'm surprised with these types of videos that the person is even willing to sit down and be filmed

id: 568987 - Text: I was watching how tightly Asriah’s jaw was clenched during this video and how tense her face looked. If you look at how relaxed and smiling she had been in the previous video, you know she is upset. Commenters saying that she doesn’t care or is smirking is a big misread on her body language. As Mark explained, it’s complicated. But she isn’t unaffected.
