31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 568988 - Text: Damn when Mark said if he was taking the money and he said yeah like I wanted to get in the screen and beat his ass for Mark. That got me heated. Like who tf are you!? All that money should be going to her kids and her, only! You lazy f***! This video got my emotions going. I'm sorry Mark either way you're amazing for trying we all appreciate you and what you're doing!

id: 569017 - Text: 5 seconds into the video and the deep sigh of Mark tells me everything I need to know

id: 569034 - Text: Man this video was heavier than expected... been following her story since the beginning and at the beginning she seemed so street wise and cunning and used to it all, then now she had a taste of how good life can really be out of that world she lives in but it got taken from her again, she seems so miserable, almost like a slave.... I wish her the best of luck and strength ❣️

id: 569086 - Text: Mark, I feel your energy straight through this video. This must be so hard, but yet you keep going and doing the work. I appreciate you, Mark. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for the incite into a world that the majority has no clue of; the endless levels of trauma and abuse. Thank yous don't pay the bills in this world, but I believe Mark has a bank roll of sweet karma stashed.

id: 569119 - Text: You can see it in her face. As soon as I click the video and saw her I was like oh now she’s back in the game.

id: 569121 - Text: That deep sigh in the first seconds of the video speaks volumes. You don’t hear that in the hundreds of other videos that he post. You know this one means something to him

id: 569127 - Text: You are truly an Angel Mark. Helping these people where you can. You're truly someone special. I have been watching you for a while. My first video happened to be Amanda's story. Broke my heart seeing the update. She was a very successful story and you were part of that. You guys helped in so many ways. I'm sorry if this one hurt you. Sending you a virtual hug. ❤️❤️❤ Much love from cold Canada

id: 569142 - Text: Wow. There was such hope in her last video and now she just looks…lifeless. When I saw the video, I was ready to hear something so positive and instead, it was disappointing and heartbreaking. But Mark handled this so well. There’s still so much empathy and understanding from him, even under the circumstances. In a way, I feel inspired to be a better person after hearing both pain and empathy coming from him at the same time. Even through the hurt, still so much empathy. The next time someone hurts me, I’ll remember how you handled this, Mark. Thank you for the lesson.

id: 569159 - Text: “I don’t think this is your behaviour we are seeing, I think you’re being controlled, you’re scared of the repercussions and don’t want to get in trouble” Seems like a dangerous statement from Mark. The responsibility was hers. It seems Mark has a weird attachment to her and he can’t even admit that she played him. Thought provoking video.

id: 569162 - Text: This was one of the better videos I’ve seen posted on here in awhile. It was …real…gritty….emotional. It gave us a follow up in a different way. Could see the sadness in her eyes, and pain in Mark’s voice.
