31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 569458 - Text: I bet they look at the situation like "Marc is making tons of money off these videos, so that money should belong to us. Marc has his hustle, so why shouldn't we have ours?" To these people, it's not about doing the right thing in life. It's about survival. I'm sure he had to pay them one last time to get them both on camera. Everything to them is a hustle. That's their way of life.

id: 569477 - Text: Mark, I could hear the disappointment in your voice throughout this video. My heart hurts for you because I know this dampens you’re trust even more. I remember seeing her last update and seeing all the positive comments but I thought to myself she seems more quiet and reserved. I thought she could possibly be hiding something so although I’m saddened, I’m not surprised

id: 569546 - Text: I thought the same thing right from the beginning of the video the tone of his voice. So sad that he gets taken advantage of so much. I'm not even 5 minutes into the video and I already know this isn't gonna be good.

id: 569636 - Text: damn shame, i was rooting on the 1st video. her personality changed all together. hope her babies get taken care off and dont fall in the same cycle

id: 569652 - Text: @Mark can you do a video explaining how you help people and the steps you take to qualify them? I don't think the videos give all the background info, but from the viewer end it sure appears like you jump into these situations quickly. As someone that has dealt with homelessness and drugs, and is familiar with the success rates, it's easy to watch these videos and think "well of course that was going to happen..." But I think there is a lot more work done behind the scenes. I think some added transparency would not only be very informative, but would also add incentive to donate.

id: 569675 - Text: I already knew she didn’t care to change from her first (follow up) video. When Mark was telling her how good she was doing & talking about her kids, she didn’t seem the least bit excited. She already knew in the back of her mind it wasn’t going to last long.

id: 569686 - Text: I see a great amount of immaturity here with her just like in her older videos. She still needs to grow up.

id: 569700 - Text: Mark, I would love to bring this girl up here to Maine and hide her from the gangs. She looks totally defeated and powerless. She needs to know she has all the power to get herself out. She just can’t see it. That man looks as sad and damaged as she is. I’m very sad to see so many people acting like she has some say in this situation. Did she ever get off the drugs? Or had she just cut down? Maybe that’s how they got to her, she needed a fix and the videos led them to her? Idk. I feel like her life and her kids are in so much danger now. Again.

id: 569703 - Text: I had to go back and watch it for the 2nd time because I got interrupted the first time and couldn’t really listen…my first comment was basically just about Mark being honest about how this happened. Now, about this girl…Mark seems to be laying a lot of blame on the guy’s feet and I’m not really seeing that. I understand how victims get brain washed or how it’s so easy to fall back in the trap BUT she was out of there! She was chillin on ski lifts! She chose to go back when she didn’t have to. She is probably somebody that doesn’t show much emotion but in this video she came off as cold and like she didn’t care about allllllll these people who put time, money and energy into wanting more for her and her children. She smirks like she has no shame!

id: 569709 - Text: Thank you for this video Mark. It clearly shows how "institutionalized" people can become to a waybof life. You were seen as a soft target, a rich man who they would milk with a sob story for as long as possible. Now you have gone and theybwill target the next person with a good heart. Its all part of the game.
