31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 569909 - Text: She had absolutely nothing to say once she was called out. I remember her first video, she was open as a book... but I think she probably knew what she was doing to gain Mark's trust and therein getting financial help from him to only find out that the main person benefiting is her pimp. And if with all your help Mark, she still hasn't gotten out of the lifestyle, it's unlikely she ever will. And the sad part about this is that her kids are going to end up in this very same hamster wheel, if they aren't already. It honestly is upsetting seeing her act the way she was, but you are right, the person who realizes this, sees that she's under the powerful control and so she does what she's told to do. I found your channel on accident Mark, but I have come to appreciate the lives of these people in a different light. Things aren't always what they may seem, the book is full of surprises, and ultimately, someone pays, and unfortunately it's in most cases the innocent. Thank you for shedding some light on the underbelly of our society.

id: 569914 - Text:  @hereforit2347  Found the guy who sees the everything in black and white! News flash This world and the people who inhabit it are not as binary as you were raised to believe. Its both surprising and also sad to me that some folks can see these videos miss the point entirely.

id: 569916 - Text:  @hereforit2347  To me, the biggest takeaway from all this is that there is no such thing as a "good" person or a "bad" person. There is in instinct to look at things that way because it's just easy for us to do so, or because of our own lack of perspective on other people's lives. These videos are there to fill in the gaps for all of us who don't know how people end up in really bad circumstances. I think it ends up being hugely detrimental to society when we demonize and box people up with preconceived notions of their own morality from a point of complete ignorance on their own struggles. We are all products of the environment and circumstances that we were brought up in. You're supposed to have empathy for all of these people and realize what causes these generational cycles of trauma.

id: 569963 - Text: The worst part of this video is the pain in Mark’s voice that I’ve never heard before. I hope you’re doing okey, Mark. Honestly as far as you are fighting for these people I consider this world to be at least an acceptable place. Maybe not for Asriah, but for me you are a hero. With all the love I wish you the best ❤️

id: 569966 - Text: ... and instead Mark got him into the studio (likely promising to pay for his parking ticket if he gets one) and got him to tell his story. Also, that pimp dude drove the girl to this shoot and was waiting in the car, not even knowing what Mark might get her to say. I can see the cribs watching Mark's videos and deciding he gets to live, on the genuine strength of his work, despite having become a tangible threat. These are subtle & not black-and-white relationships & issues, not made one iota better for anyone by beating the crap out of anyone. There's a lot of work ahead for all of us as a society here, to gradually right these wrongs. Probably 100 years' or more worth of work.

id: 570059 - Text: These videos are capitalising on disaster.

id: 570065 - Text:  @mikedenison121  same as the other 16 women you asked on this video. 🙄

id: 570069 - Text: This video might not helped her, but it definitely have a big help on the coming new generation. Just want to say, Mark, you are awesome.

id: 570120 - Text: I knew something was up on that second video.. Praying for them

id: 570141 - Text: The silence in this video is the LOUDEST thing about it. Her not speaking or really talking is all the information we really need.
