31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 570145 - Text: This is extremely disappointing. 😔 I clicked on this video with so many good expectations and hope. She had a chance to really give her boys a wonderful life and make something of her own but threw it all away. That man should be ashamed of himself too. When he said "we're trying to have a better life", I was thinking that any man that truly loves a woman would let her go if she has an opportunity for a better life for herself and her kids. He is no man and he is no gangster either. Just a leech that's holding on to the only money-making asset he has his hands on. Pathetic!

id: 570170 - Text:  @ThoneJones  from previous videos it seems like that was forced upon her. From a normal perspective you’d have to be high out of your mind or have a gun pointed towards your head to get a face tattoo. I guess this is their normal. I live a middle-class life but I’m sure the very wealthy would look at my lifestyle and wonder how I carry-on🤷🏽‍♀️

id: 570178 - Text:  @ThoneJones  in her previous video she said one of her pimps gave her the face tattoo...

id: 570218 - Text:  @thorocomments817  Her mouth functioned just fine in the 2 previous videos...she's well spoken enough to apologize but she chooses not to

id: 570224 - Text:  @sarahgirard1405  In this video Mark says he saw no evidence of the kids' stuff in this apartment

id: 570232 - Text: @Artifact Ward this girl didn't convince me since the first video (you can read my comment). And I wasn't wrong apparently.

id: 570242 - Text: Well, this video was all about him and his hurt feelings. They pale into insignificance compared to what she's been through. His response was not measured and she doesn't need to cry even crocodile tears over his 'hurt feelings'. I'm sorry for her, that she missed out on the opportunity her encounter with this film maker afforded her or couldn't grasp it due to reasons very few of us could ever fully comprehend. I wish her well.

id: 570254 - Text:  @ThoneJones  Yes. In the first video she said that her pimp at the time was named Jordan. So that was his way of branding her as his property.

id: 570266 - Text: The silence and her facial expression all through the video says it all. When I saw the lipstick and fake nails back on plus the piercing on the lower lip straight from the first second of the video ... it was clear that she had spiraled back to the only thing she knows.

id: 570300 - Text: After watching this video in its entirety a couple of times I see things differently. It looks like she's the property of these pimps who tattoo their names on her face one after the other, and she's got absolutely no choice. She brings them 2000 USD a day, so she's very serious business. They hold her on absolute control by terrorizing her and they'd kill any other guy who try to pimp her. That's gangs. Anyway that's what it looks like. You don't help people like that, you wanna stay away from them. It's totally beyond your business and your understanding.
