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id: 524239 - Text: If you want sex rent a car and drive to Sheri's Ranch in Pahrump NV. It's only 60 miles.

id: 524276 - Text: I can think of 2 alternatives to taking a hooker back to your room: 1. Get some help. If you've gotten to the point where you need to pay a complete stranger for physical intimacy, you might have some serious problems either physically or psychologically or both. Maybe even spiritually. 2. If you are so determined to have sex with a stranger, get in your car and hop on the Blue Diamond highway and drive 40 miles to Pahrump, go find yourself a legal establishment of ill repute and do your thing. At least this way you won't encounter some random pimp or roofie. You also have a better chance of not receiving an unwanted gift because you will have to wrap your hot dog and the talent gets checked every month. And when you're done doing the dirty deed, go get help because you're not well in the head. Entertaining video by the way! I used to love to go to Las Vegas.

id: 524374 - Text: This is why I don't have sex

id: 524376 - Text: I ended up going to back to a waitress’s apartment. Clearly had escorted before. Met her that morning and spent all day together before my 2am red eye. Best sex of my life. We watched 2 broke girls between sessions on her mattress on the floor. Though for the first few hours I half expected someone to knock on the door and that was going to be it. She blamed me for stealing her ID. I did not. We spent hours completely nude looking for it in her unaircondition apartment just to find where she forgot she hid it FROM ME. I always wonder what her original intentions were and at what point they changed if they were malevolent. I hope she’s doing well. Post note: the cab ride to the sex shop to get stuff and paying the cab driver to wait for us before heading to her place was one for the ages. Dude was so uncomfortable.

id: 524392 - Text: Maidenless Wokemerica where a woman hides her ID from a client. And then forgets. But remember you need to mask on airplanes and be hyper-paranoid of a commercial TV virus right? :D What a weird country. When she hits 35 she'll look for a beta to pay for your kid you never knew. The absolute state of modern women. No wonder why the youth is so mentally ill and can't hold a job. And the simping is out of control. So you paid for sex with random stranger, the cab ride, and the toys? Talk about life on easy mode for women. They don't even have to try or attain any virtues. Bonus hustle - You're paying her rent in Fed taxes daily.

id: 524418 - Text: Add to that list Reno and Carson City. As Jacob said, prostitution is only legal in counties with fewer than 700K residents. The legal brothels, tacky and overpriced are either along the I-80 corridor between SLC UT and the Californiaia border/Utah border. I visited a brothel in Elko, as I had some experience in my younger years, to provide backup for a couple incel friends I had at the time. The place was called "Mona's Ranch," but I am unsure if it is still open. There were, as I recall four brothels in Elko, a couple in Wells, another in Battle Mountain and a couple others in Winnemucca (spelling?) As I said, very expensive. Most brothels have the prices for every damn thing listed on a menu of services. An example: Oral sex (condoms mandatory, no discussion) will cost CX, but if you want her topless for the oral, it costs X+$50.00. An hour of fun can cost as much as $1,000.00, depending on what you want. Funny. On a discount "casino flight and hotel package" flight from Minneapolis with the two aforementioned incels, I encountered a working girl on her way back to Wells, where she and a niece from Minneapolis were going to play in a pool tournament, then go back to business as usual in the brothel where they worked. Turns out that (although many years after I went there) attended the same Catholic grad school as I and lived less than two blocks from where I grew up. Both auntie and niece were nice to me; we talked for a couple hours in my room, got high together and had a laugh, including when both gave me a "free sample" by exposing their breasts. No robbery, no problems with home girl. And no, I didn't partake in sex in the brothel; I read palms and kept the unoccupied ladies entertained while my friends sessioned with them. Still quite an experience.

id: 524436 - Text: Here's an idea: don't pay for sex. Problem solved. If you pay for sex, you're a sexual predator and deserve getting ripped off, case closed.

id: 524455 - Text: If you have sex in a helicopter while in the air in Clark County is that illegal? #5 is NOT the scariest thing that could happen, you have sex and get an STD!

id: 524488 - Text: I already get robbed everyday at the gas pump, if you think I wanna come to Vegas for an overblown experience of the same gouging, never mind, I can get raped by the state with a scratchier ticket at the gas station. Just like Vegas. The saving grace here? DON"T BUY SEX, and STOP GAMBLING!! You lose either way.

id: 524566 - Text: You give them money,they have sex with you. Im not seeing the scam. Now if she begins to tell you about this or that or tries to talk you into something else then you let yourself be scammed.
