31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 570336 - Text: This is the video where Mark learns about the real world. His voice cracks whilst her's remains steady. He describes an apartment, imagined for children, turned out for bad things... the things he would try and protect her from, are the things she ran towards.

id: 570346 - Text: I think you are reading her silence entirely wrong. You do realize that man would have no issue murdering her in cold blood and then going about his life as if nothing had happened? Him or anyone in his set would if she just started talking out about him or her work for them on a video that will get minimum 100k views and in her case more like a million.

id: 570356 - Text: Yeah. Very different from that 1st video. She was articulate and well spoken

id: 570430 - Text: What a smug little bitch. I was so hopeful for her life and she can’t even say thank you or anything to everyone that helped her. Just sits their the whole video. It’s so sad to see someone be handed everything to fix their situations and fuck it all up and disrespect everyone around them. I hope someone who actually wants help gets it from Mark and changes their life.

id: 570454 - Text: 18 : 40 if she would only listen to the words she spoke from the last video. Excellent effort from swu and progress was being made. Lots of “hope” one month ago She was genuinely happy being with her children I hope she can stop masking the pain she’s causing herself in reverting back.

id: 570467 - Text: You know what. I’m 3:19 into this video. And all mark has done is lay out what she has done to him and she’s taking it. Stoically. Let’s see what’s she has to say.

id: 570487 - Text: I feel very worried for this girl!!! Like her life, seems to really be at risk. I feel like she needs serious help. Just this video scares me for her. I understand it and get it and Mark is on point for sure with what he's saying. I will stay praying for you girl but you gotta put your life in risk in the correct hands and pray for the best. I hope you do get the help you need. I pray you allow yourself a life and your kids a life and let go. This is Fly and he should be ABSOLUTELY ASHAMED OF HIMSELF.

id: 570518 - Text: I could tell by her complexion and face what had happened, before the video even started. Sad

id: 570537 - Text: I knew something was up with her 2nd video.. she wasn’t acting the same as her 1st. I’m not sure that she wants the help, deep down.

id: 570575 - Text: I was happy too but didnt you get a bad feeling from the last video? She seemed so miserable, lost and confused. Totally out of her element and all on her own. She basically said that, other than her kids, that Mark was her only friend. And as Mark points out in this video, he is very busy and always on the fly. I hate to say that I saw this coming. HOWEVER, she has shown that she has it in her, and I 100% believe in her going forward.
