31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 570582 - Text:  @J_Alrighty  I got a bad vibe from her in the last video. She seemed to be acting unlike the one before it where she seemed genuinely happy and sincere, looking forward to a new start. As Mark said, even before the last video was shot, she had fallen back into her self destructive habits but he did not yet know about it. It is a sad story. No matter what she does to legitimately pull herself out of this lifestyle, she will always attract bad people as soon as they see the unusual tattoos on her face and neck, the ownership markings of a pimp. They will know she is a mark that can be manipulated by "money managers". It's definitely a vicious cycle as Mark stated involving poverty, education, opportunity, addiction, emotional & physical abuse that all conspire to trap even the strongest person. So Sad.

id: 570643 - Text: I can't believe this woman. This is a real chance for her to have her kids with her and walk away from all her old crap. Mark is trying to help these people and they are taking advantage of his and our good hearts. I gave after her last video because I thought she really wanted to change. I am on a low fixed income and live alone. I can't afford to give to some thugs. This is very sad. It makes people not want to help any of these people. Very very sad.

id: 570709 - Text: In the last video she said she mistreated the boyfriend that was good to her. Some people deserve the hand they were dealt.

id: 570735 - Text: Unfortunately, we can all expect something bad to happen next. You tried your best to help, as you do with everyone, and I'm sure you have helped many. hopefully this story doesn't end badly. We can all hope that she makes the right decisions, but being she is deep into this situation, I don't see any ray of hope for her, and I would love to be proven wrong. To bad you weren't there sooner for her, as also the others that you have interviewed. Maybe the next time we see Asriah she will be on with her child and has changed her life. For someone to help out the way you did shows that you are definitely a very caring person. Keep up the stuff you do, always great videos from you. Need to visit the Virginia again, see how there holidays were. I wore my new sweatshirt the other day and someone asked me what that meant, I told them about the channel and how real it is, next day I was told how he loved watching the videos and cant wait for more. Thank you for bringing this to the world to see.

id: 570737 - Text: Take down her videos so nobody wastes money on donating to her again.

id: 570759 - Text: So much disappointment in one video. This girls attitude is so far gone she can only save herself. Thoughts are with you Mark 👍

id: 570778 - Text: $300 to $400 a day? Then thousands? This woman makes me sick to my stomach. She has NO remorse. And she is still lying. She can’t even apologized all the viewers that gave her money??? She got beautiful nails and was taking money from Mark. Since the second video her answers and posture was not honest. I can tell my his voice he is upset. That is just so wrong. Maybe people should pass drug test to get money. This is money from viewers get wasted. I am so sorry you got taken advantage of Mark. Some people just can’t let go of that life style. She lied and took complete advantage of you and the people who watch the videos and donate. Blame? Blame themselves for not wanting to get better and bite the hand that tried to help them.

id: 570834 - Text: Trauma can and will alter anyones ability to make logical decisions. We don’t know the depths of her background. Only what’s being shared in the interviews, so while some in the comments are freely judging her y’all should seek out compassion & empathy. Her childhood, or whatever led her to this life, could have easily been you. Be humble folks. Her choices are wrong but she has to want better for herself, and I believe it’s consuming her that Mark, her only friend (which she said in a video) is done with her. You can see the sadness, loneliness, and grief in her eyes.

id: 570835 - Text: While this video has been extremely sad to watch, and I truly feel for Mark's disappointment, I still nevertheless think that he was very naive to just give money away to this girl without, it seems, any sort of concrete plan or set of goals for her to follow. It appears that there was no expectation for what exactly he wanted her to do. He mentions that he gave her an apartment, a car, and a new phone. And then what? I mean, what exactly was she supposed to do next? It's likely she's never earned an income outside of prostitution before. Probably never even seen what a resume looks like in her whole life. Is it any surprise then, that she did what she did? Mark, if you're reading this, I would like to suggest that you set clear expectations for anyone you decide to help in the future. Tell them exactly what you want them to do, ie. what the plan is short-, mid- and long-term. And likewise, also specify what you DON'T want them to do, and make it clear to them that if they do those things, you will no choice but to stop helping them. Otherwise, videos like this one are bound to happen again. Remember, this isn't just a rescue. It's also an intervention.

id: 570857 - Text: I called this from the first video. She's where she's at because she wants to be. And loves playing the sympathy card.
