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id: 570959 - Text:  @mel...s  I agree. It caught me off guard when he said he sent her $1000’s of $. Out of all the stories I feel those resources could have went to someone else like David. I don’t know maybe I’m just in my feelings with this video because I see my sister in her and I know the struggles I have faced trying to help get her clean…new housing and giving her $. Only for her to go back to the streets and the pimp.

id: 570964 - Text: Her first interview was how I got introduced to this channel. Then her 2nd update video made me so proud of her and Mark. Now this is really upsetting. Sorry Mark for the betrayal you had to face. Remain strong😔🙌

id: 570990 - Text: You guys know mark primarily advocates they get help. If you see these videos, they complain often they CANNOT GET HELP due to money snd their circumstances. It seems like he tried to do that and she went behind his back and did other things. She is 23, he cannot force her to do anything but from everything I have seen here undeniably tries to get them involved in some type of program in order to provide support

id: 571001 - Text: The look on her face disturbs me. Im sorry Mark. You have a big heart and she squashed it. The least she did was make the video and took some accountability. I guess she wasnt ready for her GET OUT OF JAIL CARD! (MONOPOLY REFERENCE) Bless those poor little kids of hers!!!

id: 571033 - Text: ERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! You know what I'm going to have a rant here, this video irritated me from the start but the last part Mark said just pissed me off more! These type of "working class" are constantly looking for the violin to be pulled out for them with a six part series made of the struggles they have been through but wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire!!!!! They don't want to sort their lifes as they like the "poor me" attention they receive or applause they get when they do the simplest of tasks like whiping their ass hole after a shit!!! Before anyone thinks heartless prick......Well yeah I guess I am, I worked in Hostels for 5 years with drug addicts and the last one had sex offenders too ppl who constantly demand sympathy all the time! My empathy is nearly completely dried up for these types of people! I was lured into this left wing Hippy bullshit when I was a kid but this type of stuff just infuriates me now! Especially the people saying in the comments "aww so sad poor girl" still?? No morelike "aww stupid cunt" it's her own fault!!!!!

id: 571059 - Text: Too bad. I am so easily optimistic when I see people start to see the light, the way she was in the prior video. But now I am not optimistic for her. Can't save them all.

id: 571072 - Text: Yeah after seeing her in the first video i fealt bad for her 2.. And the thought crossed my mind maybe she could be helped.. Then the reality little voice said said dont be a fool.. Preditors see kindness as a weakness and all preds will bite u in time.. Sad but true

id: 571109 - Text: This is sad and unfortunate and there's definitely no judgement considering her tough background. Having said that, I feel she blew up an opportunity that was going to turn her life around positively. Her silence right now is way different from the previous video where she spoke eloquently about wanting to improve her life and that if her children. One has to wonder about how genuine some of the people Mark helps are or whether they just aren't ready to make right choices. Asriah doesn't even apologize here (no remorse for taking advantage of kindness). That's just my perception. Nevertheless I wish her and others like her to one day see the light. Bless you Mark for the amazing work and may you never tire.

id: 571131 - Text: There's a million things that could be said out of this one story. I'm gonna try to keep it short. Maybe the girl said SORRY at some point & time but as far as the video goes when Mark asks The girl "Is there anything you would like to say?" I know it doesn't mean much at this point but out in front of everybody she could at least said SORRY. Maybe she wasn't SORRY at all . I guess it's just on to the next SCAM, TRICK or HUSTLE or whatever you want to call it. I'm SORRY this happened to you Mark.

id: 571144 - Text: I don’t honestly like watching these videos but this video right here ready to discuss me it is sad when you try to help someone It takes a vantage of you I honestly do hope you learned your lesson this time that you can’t help everyone because clearly she has no remorse whoever you are just stick to making your videos because you can’t help everyone
