31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 571884 - Text: Mark actually filmed a video for another channel titled "Why you can't use money to help people" over a year ago. The amount of cash he gave her in addition to the apartment and everything else is staggering- I wonder why he gave her so much cash even against his own advice.

id: 571887 - Text: Her attitude change in this video is ridiculous!!!! So disappointing & disrespectful. Rolling her eyes, having nothing to say. 😑🤦‍♀️

id: 571896 - Text: I can definitely hear his frustration in his voice within 2 minutes into the video. What a SHAME ,

id: 571904 - Text: Something big and bad was sitting next to her towards the end of the video. He will likely kill her.

id: 571927 - Text:  @bensw04  that’s disgusting and fucked up to say, esp after watching the videos and listening to her story. Did any of seriously thought that a person like her would be able to drop the streets in an instant like that? thats unrealistic and barley happens, their bound to the quick ways and have never known anything else other than that.It takes ashit loads of trys and courage, sth we should all hope she gets.

id: 571938 - Text: I've never commented on these videos but I saw so much in her wanting more for not even her but her kids. And Idk personally how hard it is to leave the streets/gangs which I'm blessed to be able to say but why would she take some steps but not change her number or relocate farther or you know whatever the case maybe, to get as far away from her old life as she could have with all your help? Does being quiet, controlled and seeing donated money for her kids and herself so much better...then being truly alone til she was able to find her groove and be comfortable in her new life? That's the only part I can't wrap my head around. Then again I've put myself thru crappy situations just so I wasn't alone... 💔 I hope she chooses herself and her kids sooner then later. I know she could really be thriving if she just believed in herself as much as your viewers did.

id: 571942 - Text: Its sad I could see Asriah wasnt happy with herself upset, scared if she would have apologised to you 100% i believe she would have got a beating. Dont be dis heartened from this Mark the work you are doing is amazing keep it up! use this experience from her actions and words to make yourself more street wiser and stronger you will need it in future. Only invest this amount of money and time in a woman you want to be with otherwise you will keep getting hurt. I look forward to more of your videos, much love from Oz.

id: 571957 - Text: Im absolutely shocked to see the difference in her demeanor from her other video vs now. She was more vocal, shed some tears, and made her kids her priority. Now she barely says 3 whole sentences and has to conceal her emotions because she cant be vulnerable. I really invested in her story and now she just signed her potential death sentence. Tragic.

id: 571958 - Text: She was saying what people wanted to hear in those first few videos. Making herself out to be the well meaning but simply unlucky woman who just needed a chance in life so she can live happily ever after with her children who she supposedly loved more than anything. This video is her exposed. Her unable to keep up that act. Because her words were put to the test and she exposed that it was just that, words. None of that money went to her children. It all went to her pimp and gang. We donated thousands of dollars through gofundme to give her a chance at a new life and she swindled us.

id: 571966 - Text: I knew how this video was going to just by her body language.her facial expressions were that of some that knows she messed up but is either scared of that dude ( men don’t act like he does so he is dude) or is back on drugs and can’t see through the fog of addiction. Sorry you got burnt Mark.
