31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 571970 - Text: Something doesn’t sound right in this video. Mark seems way, way to involved her. It’s sounds like there is more going on then him just helping out. When he says ‘you are more loyal to him then to me’. That sounds like he is involved almost romantically. Also, who needs thousands a day, even hundreds a day. If he is already paying for her rent? If he really wants to help out financially a small weekly budget might be a better idea? And I would ask her for receipts of what she spends her money on. This would help teach her responsibility with money as well.

id: 571973 - Text: Very sad story, Hats off to you for trying your best to help this young lady and her children, I will say that you have been played right from the off, their aim was to get as much money out of you as possible. You don't need telling this as you'd have had the same suspicion. I can't believe that they were willing to sit in front of the camera and admit what they had done and Asriah's silence is priceless, Just wonder how much it cost you for them to apear in this final video. You could have relocated her to the otherside of the world and given her 1 million dollars and all the right connections to make a fresh start, within a day her pimp would have moved in. I wish her all the very best

id: 572035 - Text: After watching this video I’m tipping people will think twice now, about donating their hard earned money to the Go Fund Me campaign. Cheers, from Country Victoria. Australia 🇦🇺 🇦🇺🇦🇺

id: 572054 - Text: She just doesn't care. I admit, when I saw her first video, I was rooting for her to succeed, but I also saw something in her that didn't add up. It all seemed like an act; everything was too perfect; she had her sob story down pat and went straight for people's heartstrings. She doesn't want to change. I hate to say it, but as long as she still is a moderately attractive girl, she will never get out. As long as she can still manipulate people and men want her around, she'll keep playing her game. For anyone who thinks there's still a genuinely good person in there, just look at her face in the beginning. As Mark is relaying her shadiness and shame to us, she sits there with that smug, wannabe tough girl pout on her face. No shame, no care that she pulled one over on so many. Girl, just wait. In 5 years when you look so hard that no one wants you in their vicinity, you'll realize the mistakes you've made.

id: 572062 - Text: I have commented on the 1st video of the series just hours ago, before seeing this. Everyone was cheering on how cute she is, and how she deserves better and didn't have the chance. And how loving she is with her kids. I did not agree. Turns out I was right. Now, I am not pointing fingers at her, I am pointing fingers on others being naive enough to think things are so simple. She is not a wonderful human being. But I am not saying it's her fault either. She even said she had a relationship with someone really really nice, but she ended up doing to him what others have done to her. She is a bad human being, because of her past, because of her (lack of good) parents. All of the bad stuff that has happened has been embedded in her subconscious. It's who she currently is. The fact that she didn't have a loving family, or good people around her, or someone to educate her, and maybe even genetic construct passed down from her terrible-excuse-of-a-human-being mother has lead her to being... just that. Sad reality and I feel like these people ARE both the victims and the bad guys. She has kids. She will ruin their lives too. They will most likely end up the same. What's the cure? They themselves might not be saved, but society should try harder to educate people and end those vicious circles where parents ruin children's lives on and on and on. This horrible part of society will never end, because people are, and I quote myself from the previous post (and "dr. Kelso from Scrubs): "People are bastards, coated bastard with bastard filling". The only way to actually end this, is to eliminate people that are deviant, have mental issues and just don't deserve to be here. Or not let them have children. Which I agree, would probably not be humane. And also: she is lying most of the time.

id: 572102 - Text: She was soooo beautiful in the last video. Even with the tattoo on her there seem to be so many more. I feel for this gal. Missy...wake up. GET OUT...the offer never happens twice.

id: 572103 - Text: Not trying to sound mean but She played you, Its just what she's use to its how she moves. U got a good heart my guy but cut ties and keep it moving. Love the content of your videos.keep showing the world the ugly and the beautiful

id: 572118 - Text: What I can't seem to figure out is why either of them would consent to being interviewed after they hustled Mark out of his money? I also can't seem to figure out why Mark would want to interview them, apart from having an opportunity to publicly criticise and shame them - which is understandable, mind you. I dunno... something about this particular video seems off to me.

id: 572131 - Text: Not going to say anything bad about her, I know her and her family, like she said in one of her other videos, you don't need to tell everybody everything... she doesn't have her kids and she hasn't in a while.. they've been adopted.. thought you might read in between the lines... this is a classic example of a good-looking person getting what they want. So yeah, get rid of the googly eyes and start doing a little bit of research.

id: 572136 - Text:  @melsie75  true, but there are added tattoos since the last videos
