31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 572137 - Text:  @melsie75  yes if you watch. the videos carefully you can see how hesitant she is talking about them and offers no information at all

id: 572142 - Text: This is heartbreaking to watch. I think of all the videos I have viewed on here this has left me feeling the most disappointed and hopeless. I really thought she might make it out. She is being trafficked and abused and obviously afraid to speak out (e.g. bruise on her cheek). I found myself hoping the police would appear from behind the curtain and take Fly guy away in handcuffs- but they seem powerless to do anything- despite the RICO laws?

id: 572146 - Text: im glad you confronted her on video. im ANGRY. its NOT okay to be using this sweet man people. Girl your a DISGRACE SHAME ON YOU for using him like this your an utter disgrace they arent meant to know where you were. Enough mark just stop. dont do this anymore peope lare using you.

id: 572153 - Text: Very sad! This is why people don’t want to help someone like this because unfortunately they do these kinds of things She needed to be embarrassed and called out for her lies and I’m glad Mark did it on camera. She could have at least apologized. I seriously hope this girl gets out of this situation and starts thinking about her kids first. When I saw the last video I had a feeling she would go back to her old ways. She looked miserable like she was missing her old lifestyle. Fly you should be ashamed of yourself. Go be a damn man and stop doing what your doing. You’re 30 years old grow up. Both of them are going to find themselves in jail/prison soon.

id: 572156 - Text: This makes me furious for a couple of reasons. Mark, you are obviously very intelligent, but apparently have no radar at all. I believe that many of America's problems are exacerbated by people like you who think you can save the world with hugs and kisses, when the correct answer is discipline and boundaries. People like you run for office and get elected. That's why California is a piss pot now, only the government has all of our money to mismanage and no interest in turning off the spigot. You gave this pimp a platform and the scripted words to build a castle of excuses to justify remaining in the gang and in the hood. Those two have feet, just like you and me. To hear you say "the rich could have shared more of their money..." makes me crazy! I'm NOT rich, and I've had my pockets picked by government all my life to subsidize every form of welfare, the war on drugs and a system that has never been serious about solving the problems these two are part of. The real RICH of this country have created the multi-tiered economy which provides countless off-ramps for people who need to leave a bad situation. Indeed, YOU were one of those exits. Don't you dare blame the rich for the mess which is skid row, Bloods, Crips and systemic crime. The problem was allowed to grow because local GOVERNMENT failed to do the hard work and even encouraged these behaviors. The solution now seems draconian and the result is that we choose to ignore the situation if we can. There are many approaches which might work and here are two: 1. Foster families take in people like Asriah just as they do children. Focused one-on-one rehab. 2. Boots-in-asses level discipline to do what it takes to rid our country of organized street crime and drugs. ATTACK the supply and PUNISH the demand. This isn't difficult or complicated, as you tried to make it seem. It's just that no one has the stomach or the incentive to execute on a viable plan. Buckle up, citizens. We will all be handling this problem ourselves sooner or later. Question: were these two paid to appear in this video? If not, why did they? CHEERS.

id: 572174 - Text: I did not get that impression at all. She is literally just after more money, no remorse visible in this video.

id: 572190 - Text:  @blacksilverchair3315  Why watch &/or comment just to be negative, discouraging, & critical? Many people in the videos read these comments. If someone has heard they aren't worthy their entire lives, realize that seeing so many negative discouraging comments saying the same can reaffirm that for them. That could be the deciding factor telling them they aren't worth trying, & putting in the work. They aren't deserving of a better life. Everyone who is so dismissive, insulting, discouraging towards people they don't know, is playing a role in keeping them down.

id: 572205 - Text: This video is very emotionally intense in a quiet way.

id: 572273 - Text:  @REDWASP777  he more than likely can make back what he lost from this video.

id: 572288 - Text: I knew this would happen. I hoped it wouldn’t but the problem isn’t with her, but with him! It isn’t easy changing your life completely. And It’s not as easy as giving people things to change their lives, they need psychological support to get over the trauma, it’s a long hard process, fear, insecurity, confusion and lack of understanding of the ‘normal’ world takes over. He’s made a lot of classic mistakes when helping a person. It’s so frustrating. She hardly spoke in the whole video, and he’s telling her off. Of course she’s not going to say anything! Sorry but the video maker has done more damage then good for this woman. And I can probably guess why he’s wanted to help her so much! It’s easily done. But you can’t put conditions on help! Helping people isn’t just that easy!
