31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 572291 - Text: This has got to be the more passive interview I have ever seen - Mark basically speaking for 99% of the video while she sits there saying next to nothing.

id: 572310 - Text: Some people truly don’t want to be saved. So sad . Even after being exposed with this video She would still do the same exact thing 1,000 times over if he kept giving her money.

id: 572353 - Text: I'd have to wholeheartedly disagree with this post. It's far more nuanced than the approach you seem to be taking here which is: if they're involved in gang activity and are struggling with addiction, do not help them. Perhaps I am wrong. There's truly no right or wrong way to deal with addiction, no immutable black and white rules. You do your best not to enable the addict to continue using however on the other hand you do whatever you can to help and encourage them to recover. I've seen far worse cases than the subjects in this video completely turn their lives around and had it not been for that one person reaching down to help them up, it's safe to assume it would not have happened.

id: 572369 - Text: Wow! As the saying goes: “A picture tells a thousand words.” Her body language says everything when her pimp comes into the video.

id: 572387 - Text: She doesnt want help! She wants the money honey thass it! She milked you Mark. And i bet right after this video she went right back to what she was doing

id: 572406 - Text: Geez… I just watched all her videos yesterday and to see this today just breaks my heart. I really thought she could do it.

id: 572431 - Text: Trust... she spoke on it a few times in the previous 2 videos. The opportunity was given, yet, here you have it and she just throws it away. Sad, honestly, but that's reality and that's why there is little to no sympathy for individuals like her. There is always a way around but if you ain't strong enough or smart enough to figure out your situation then most of what is said is a bunch of smoke that only proves this point. Don't just talk, learn to walk. Be about your actions and not just words.

id: 572451 - Text: ASRIAHHHH!!!! (SIGH) Just the thumbnail alone hurt my heart… I thought she was starting to go down a different road 😢. it’s so hard to watch this video. Asriah sat up there and had nothing to say the entire interview… responsibility and accountability goes a long way… AND Tell me… how is her boyfriend trying to help her??? 🤦🏽‍♀️

id: 572524 - Text: Mark, I'm so sorry you got taken by her. I saw another comment on here saying they would kill for 1% of that chance and I know the feeling. I can see by the look on her face she's not sorry- and what she did is called THEFT. My husband and I have been living in hellish conditions until we can get something better, which finally just happened. I couldn't even finish this video because I saw no remorse from her and could hear the pain in your voice. I'm so sorry, Mark.

id: 572546 - Text: I predicted this in the last video. She was "searching" for the right words of appreciation. It was a hustle and I can't believe anyone gave her money.
