31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 572596 - Text:  @ErikaJ1982  I never said to give up on them. They certainly can start to try and turn their lives around at any point in time, which is exactly what makes them fully accountable! But absolving them of any and full responsibility of their actions seems almost disrespectful to anyone who helped with that cause. Even Mark's top comment on that video seems very strange to me. He is very certain that all her actions are determined by her upbringing, like anyone who went through that MUST turn out like this? He is also judging anyone who doesn't agree with him as ''uninformed.'' Like wow...

id: 572646 - Text:  @justb4769  it’s very upsetting. In the first video you really saw who she was, she seemed amazing and like good things could happen for her. She also stated that she will cover for her pimp if need be which is why she didn’t talk during. It’s unfortunate her life and safety has been pretty much been controlled by men since she was 13 and for that reason we are not in a place to judge. It’s heart breaking for her child, of course but yeah. :(

id: 572660 - Text: Damn, the first interview with Exotic was the first video I watched. Sad to see how things turned out. It was so much Cap in they statements smh. This is the perfect example of not being able to help people who don’t want it. I felt this way with a lot of people I used to be friends with. Anyway, bless your heart man. One of the nicest guys I know.

id: 572682 - Text: You really should have watched the video before commenting that. If she is still your favorite person after watching this final video of her then you have problems. She scammed him and ALL OF US who were fooled by her and gave thousands of dollars to her through gofundme. Acting like it was going towards her child when it was going towards her pimp and the gang.

id: 572683 - Text:  @alexf9381  yeah I commented it immediately after clicking to watch because like most people I was really hopeful for her. I then watched the rest of the video you don’t need to explain to me what happened in it thanks. I didn’t delete because I think it’s ok to show that we had high expectations and were let down. I know she scammed us and I know it hurts but I still can relate to her and her struggles and I still hope the best for her. Good luck to you being hateful and thinking you know it all and need to let everyone know it 😵‍💫 Telling someone watching this channel they have problems just because they care about Asriah… you’re vile and so short sighted. Did you yourself actually donate? If so, then you must have watched more of this channel right? One of the hardest parts of dealing with addiction is knowing your help may go to waste for a long time, maybe forever. You being hateful not only to Asriah but also to me just for saying I liked her makes me wonder what you’re even doing here? Virtue signaling? Making yourself feel superior? Get out of here if you can’t handle the reality of these peoples lives.

id: 572722 - Text: Mark is a trick. He could help a homeless dude but then there is no opportunity to get any box. This video changed my who view of this channel. What a 🤡🤡

id: 572741 - Text:  @Cyborg_Auto  damn. didn't think of that lol. i'm assuming he weighed it all up and realises he'll profit from the video anyway though.

id: 572753 - Text:  @blacksilverchair3315  guess you haven’t watched the countless videos where he helps guys out too huh. It’s so hard for you to imagine someone who doesn’t operate from a place of selfishness. Guess you didn’t see the one where he helped out a whole family of hillbillies.

id: 572840 - Text: Wow, totally the opposite of what I'd hoped for Asriah after the previous videos but this is a really good look at what happens when money is made available but there's no other support network (though I'm sure Mark you support as much as possible). It takes a village to raise a child and it'll take a village to get someone off the game when that's all they know. Asriah couldn't even hold eye contact and you can see she's angry and ashamed, but she's brave for doing this video and showing us how difficult it is. Fly doesn't even look like a stereotypical pimp; you'd see him walking down the street in those glasses looking like a college student. I hope she sees that he isn't looking out for her and her kids if he's taking money meant for them, and that things improve for both of them soon without having to exploit anyone else.

id: 572844 - Text: Me too! Hers were the first videos I watched.
