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id: 51761 - Text:  @amyc.513  I’m definitely not slut shaming or puritanical. I just don’t think anyone should sex industry having been through it myself. I never fucking said I hate sex. Don’t put words in my mouth. Even the women who enjoy doing porn, there are always people in it that aren’t doing it by choice. Most of the women don’t like it. I never said there’s not one who does. But let’s not beat around the bush and say it’s fun to do it for work. Most of us were abused. Most of us also don’t have the support or means to fully heal or recover, which is in part due to the shit hole that is America. As a former sex worker myself, I spoke with sex workers in De Wallen in Amsterdam and most if not all of those women, who just because it’s legal there, everyone thinks loves or enjoys it. No, they tell tales of slavery and being bought and forced into it. So before you go on about how amazing sex work is, you MUST address the misogyny, patriarchy, sexism, violence, slavery that started it and still involves it. If you want to support it, that’s great and all, but you’re ignoring the horrors of it. Most poem and sex work isn’t fun. Look at even the illegal and widespread rape videos and CP on PORNHUB. It in and of itself isn’t a problem. I support it in philosophy and theory, but in practice it’s a disaster. And it’s large;u run by men. Almost entirely. So please spare me.

id: 51762 - Text:  @amyc.513  I don’t hate sex. You don’t have to hate sex, even as a woman, to want ethical, non-degrading, non-exploitative treat,ent or women. I think you’re rather stupid because you’re only argument is that she said she likes it and people work through shit. It’s not that simple. It’s a superficial argument and a bad one. It’s not just about sex it’s the whole system. The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf, The Feminine Mystique are good starters... but you can’t just say it’s puritanical or slut shaming. It is obvious you don’t have a real argument for this, and you also have no experience doing it. So sit down please.

id: 51763 - Text:  @amyc.513  you’re a moron. You should read the stories of many porn actresses, like Sasha or Bonnie or Jenna or many others. Horrible beginnings and abuse and often ran away and ended up doing porn and sex work underage. Please look at all the sex workers who SPOKE OUT AGAINST IT after leaving.

id: 51765 - Text:  @jesse-4198  money isn’t happiness and sex for pay is definitely not happiness

id: 51766 - Text:  @TheYouthquaker  that comment about sex shaming and puritanism was largely directed at the way the majority of the other comments sounded. You didn't provide enough information for me to assume why you were taking a stance against porn, which I see is from personal experience. I still don't think it's right to assume she's in denial. That rubs me the wrong way because to me it strips her of her autonomy. And I know a lot of women who are in sex work are stripped of their autonomy, but I don't automatically assume all are. The problems that are exhibited in porn are just the problems in our society being magnified and exaggerated. like capitalism and patriarchy and misogyny. I totally agree that conversations about porn need to address the systemic problems in porn, but I don't think its productive, or even honest, to use the framing that every woman in porn is being abused. But, it is vital not to erase the experiences of the women and people who are abused as a result of porn. It's a tricky subject, clearly. I appreciate you spending your energy trying to educate people and I hope you have enough left over to spend on your healing. Or maybe this is healing for you. Anyway, I wish you peace. thanks for using your voice to stand up against oppression.

id: 51775 - Text:  @1adadada  yes exactly..then they us3 you as an excuse that they don’t have enough sex yet the sex in these porn films isn’t real.. it makes men act like animals in bed instead of lovers men jack off thinking the women is so enjoying it yet each everyone of these women has a sad story to tell of why there doing what they’re doing at it isn’t to be sexy

id: 51796 - Text: I gotta be honest, I didn’t feel like she was taken advantage of by the industry. At least in the way that I assume you mean it. I feel like if anything she was liberated by it. She didn’t even have a high school education, now she’s getting her school done, she’s got a lot of money (at least it sounds like it), she found people like herself that she can relate with, and even found a guy that loves her and doesn’t mind what she does. Maybe it depends on the person. Just think that’s a harsh statement when she seems like she made out ok in the end when she could’ve ended up on skid row doing drugs like so many in these videos. One could argue that people should stop vilifying those involved in sex work. Just my opinion.

id: 51821 - Text:  @mileysong1117  There are worse things in life (especially in hers!) than having consensual and safe sex and getting money on top of it. 🤦‍♂️ I dont understand how people think that doing sex work is worse for your mental health than sitting in a cubicle the whole day answering phone calls...

id: 51833 - Text: She was exploited as a kid, and now by her husband. The People in her life who were supposed to love and care for her, have one thing in common. Sexual exploitation. Abuse. I bet the Poor sweet woman doesn't know what a true healthy love relationship feels like. Why would her husband suggest that knowing her past? I see the pain behind those eyes and that smile every time she answers a question. Alot of unhealed scars. A smile is a mask to hide the pain. Sex is natural and was once a beautiful sacred act, but when it becomes perverse, it becomes evil. Destructive.

id: 51850 - Text: When exactly was this time that sex was a beautiful sacred act? Also, what did her husband suggest that he shouldn't have?
