58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 527352 - Text: Joseph 96 you sound uncomfortable with your sexuality 🤷🏽‍♀️

id: 527353 - Text: Kenny Mac you’re uncomfortable with your sexuality and that’s ok just say that next time 🤷🏽‍♀️

id: 527362 - Text: Well, women, no matter what they look like don't have to pay for sex so the male escorts are gay, no offense. Mark has some stories about transgender escorts so I guess that qualifies.

id: 527393 - Text: I really cannot understand why a man would pay for sex with a big girl..

id: 527414 - Text: she is so sexy and i love her.

id: 527436 - Text: I admit I don't know anything about what sex work costs. But, I imagine that doing the services she offers means she ask a high price and it sounds like her middle class white clientele guys are willing to pay.

id: 527449 - Text: She don’t deal with black men cus they don’t like all that crazy shit during sex and plus they aren’t willing to pay either😂

id: 527517 - Text: Keep up the subliminals mark. Inform enlighten and illuminate. You know I'm on to it. You know we're a force to be reckoned with. I suggest you find another way. The heart on my comment is an admission of guilt. I reckon you're just doing as you're told. Read the history on that one though. MY people with platforms about Amanda. I'll have to inform them about what's really going on with her and one of your little "sexy" 14 year old guests.

id: 527530 - Text:  @doulikeswag  I disagree the strong has been silenced..if your strong and masculine they label you as toxic..the wicked higher ups try to only show images of weak men on tv, media, etc...i agree you have alot of weak men all around but its alot more of the strong still here..these women encounter weak men and try to label the majority of men as being weak. I listened to her story and honestly she was the weak one that didnt have a strong mind, self esteem & intelligence to break away and realize she was the one being doesnt take a genius to plan an escape from a pimp. For example: have a friend with a car come pick you up as if they were buying sex.. then drive to the next town and report it or make it aware to the police. That's just one

id: 527586 - Text: I do my best to take in the whole interview. Then I'll watch again. The rawness that is brought out in these one on one interviews is amazing in my opinion. Mark, you've really hit a nail and caused a hell of a vibrational effect because of the even still "Taboo" nature of these interviews. We see the poor, the "tent people" who Dr. Drew says he knows how to treat them and make them thrive but instead of doing what he says he does no outreach and simply does a podcast and just watches disgusting content provided by Tom and Christine. I think I fear people today. It's part of PTSD. I have a hard time leaving the house to pick up my prescriptions or to do anything. Agoraphobia they call it. I was once involved in a continuing criminal enterprise with some very nice Italian folks many years ago and have lived the equivalent of two lives. My best friend is in prison for the Murder - on contract - of a person and recieved a 12yr sentence ( had double credit for time in prison before his case was adjudicated which they've taken away in Canada now) he also recieved a year for Contempt of Court as he was supposed to co operate and name who ordered the hit. This was in Winnipeg Manitoba in 2004. Another person I grew up with went away for 18months for sexually abusing a toddler and because he feared for his safety in the city I live in he had to move to Winnipeg and then beat a man to death over methamphetamines and was sentenced for only 7 years. He was released after 3. I wish he would've been killed in prison. Anyways these are great for a guy like me who once lived a really hard life and am now disabled and dying at 37. Just turned 37 last week. I'm lucky though. I walked away with my life, got sober from methamphetamines, cocaine in all it's forms, heroin and alcohol. I have to take meds which are prescribed but I also am so lucky to have a woman who loves me unconditionally. It'll be 6yrs in August. She even will watch the odd one of these with me. I really enjoy these testimonials as I've seen it up close and personal. I never human trafficked or payed a woman for sex. My mother would kill me if I had but these ladies are truly beautiful and have gone thru so much and I honestly hope they all thrive in the end. Sorry about the long comment. I try to just give a thumbs up and move on but sometimes I wish I could unburden myself but unfortunately Canada has no statute of limitations and I'm way too sick to risk being jailed for things that happened a lifetime ago. Thanks for everyone you interview, Mark. Where can I buy your book about the Appalachian family you did a short video of which is an intergenerational incestuous based family. The one man sounded like he was barking like a dog in his affirmations to your questions. TLDR: Love the interviews, survived a life of crime, suffer from PTSD and want to know where I may be able to find your book on that family and this channel is awesome.
