31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 573203 - Text: This video was very tense and deep for me to watch. The fact that you gave her a golden opportunity to change paths and she quickly ran to a pimp/gangster who hustles her. Low self worth is definitely an issue here. Sad but revealing

id: 573214 - Text: You have nailed it perfectly. I can't even talk about the abuse I endured at my father's fists. There is just too many years of it. Instead of looking for love from a man, I had a lot of rage. I knew as a teen I would need therapy. I didn't realize how much I actually needed. I was always a leader and I honestly think that's what saved me. I didn't dabble with drugs and I didn't go to the streets. I got a job, an apartment without any furniture or refrigerator and lived on Campbell's soup. I purchased my first home at 26 yrs old. Human beings can be resilient as soon as they take control over their actions, environment and thought processes. Yes, it is hard as hell and definitely achievable. My hope is that young women are taught how to avoid predators in schools, communities and by those looking in and actually doing something to change it. We can all carry a little responsibility in putting forth the extra effort for those struggling the most. You have learned so much from your earlier videos. I am relatively new to your channel. Observation, listening and intuition are the best tools. Thank you for what you do.

id: 573215 - Text: Mark, your videos are above and beyond great towards the awareness of parents on how to do their role as parents raising innocent children. I’m sure You will be safe with gods protection because he knows your intentions on what you are doing. You have a good heart and your kindness gets to us all.

id: 573268 - Text: I can't believe the amount of money you gave her MARK.. I was a little blown be quite honest . you're alot better of a MAN than I. Even If I was a multi millionaire...I WOULD NOT give FREE MONEY to someone/anyone whose currently a. In Active addiction or b..actively engaged in any illegal street trade As no matter what the conditions are ... THE FACT you now evolve from being just another human being or an acquaintance or even a friend that they know... to NOW being a reliable source of income It Triggers the instinctive hustler / liar / cheater/manipulator in them ...and since theyre in the trade of getting it by any means. YOU NOW JUST BECAME THEIR "MEANS" and are no longer a friend or acquaintance anymore....and the cold part about it is...YOU PUT YOURSELF THERE Even if they did somehow feel morally obligated to turn down your offer...Their brains are hard wired to NEVER TURN down a payday from anyone or anything as tricking people out of their money is their sole source of income and how they support themselves So to say no to you would cancel out ANY OTHER income streams they got as well As it's all technically money earned from unconventional methods in the first place. You gotta big heart dude... and I know with all that these people give you with their interviews... the pain suffering and pieces of their soul they're sharing on your platform that garners an income stream.....that you're gonna always feel obligated to somehow return the favor and compensate them for that. But THERES A WAY to do it effectively.....with some ACCOUNTABILITY attached. Cus clearly just blindly handing over checks to broken people only Enables their bad behavior. And intensifies the issues even more Also..she deserves some credit for owning her sh* t and publicly acknowledging she took you for your money ... and when the "bf" CAME on videoooooo... I was expecting things to TURN LEFT QUICKLY ...but I couldn't even be mad. Cus being that he was actually the main offender in this whole triangle ..... . He was poised and CARRIED HIMSELF pretty f* ckin well ... for a dude who was staring... dead in the face.. the man hes been sca mming for half a year. This was definitely one of your more rather unique was definitely interesting to say the least The human condition WILL FOREVER BE SOMETHING THAT INTRIGUES me to endless limits

id: 573277 - Text: I could see in her second video she was already in the mindset of needing a man.... I thought she was hoping it would have been you, Mark. I say this from a position of someone who has cptsd from childhood (and onwards) trauma. Until she finds how to love herself, she will be ripe for the taking of any/all abuse 😭

id: 573281 - Text: Mark I love all of your videos. The way she couldn't even respond to you, the way she would turn her head in shame....heart breaking . It's sad. I'm glad you don't keep the ones like this stop you from helping the Amber's. OH God the way he just owned that he takes the money and only gives some to her, like he decides what she needs money for what a f'n loser!!

id: 573325 - Text: Those kind of fathers do not watch those kind of videos.

id: 573333 - Text: As a father of a 8 year old girl I watched these videos so often and It breaks my heart

id: 573348 - Text: I’m not sure if it’s possible and you’ve probably already given it thought, but I think if you temporarily employed some of these people to help with things like videography, editing, cleaning, etc to earn the money you give them daily that it could prove helpful. Even starting a non profit (like Habitat for Humanity) where you build homes for those in need and have them assist with that. This way they pick up a skill that they can live off of. I do not know what her day to day was, but if she wasn’t working then boredom and/or a lack of self worth can set in. So I think giving them an opportunity to learn a new skill and earn their income could be really healthy for some individuals.

id: 573373 - Text: I have been in this position a number of times. And I learned over each time, that even if I am damaged by the relapse of another, that my response can be just as damaging and destructive for the person who relapses as their relapse damages me. In this video, Asriah was showing in expression and body language the hurt of Marks words of admonishment for her doing what she felt she needed to do to survive. Just like others most likely did with her. I hope she can get upright and back on the path to get out of the life she doesn't want to be in. That is all that matters.
