58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 528048 - Text: She looks beautiful n sexy 👌❤️

id: 528089 - Text: It happens alot my client is an advocate for sex trafficking. Also there's a Stockholm syndrome scenario that comes into play

id: 528095 - Text:  @everythinganthonys528  run to where? To the police and possibly be charged with prostituting? Do you think they'd believe her? Then where would she go? Knowing her pimp would be looking for her, where was she supposed to go? Also, do you understand what exactly sex trafficking is?

id: 528111 - Text:  @everythinganthonys528  Teach your daughter street smarts and to listen to her gut. Have her learn self defense and keep a weapon on her. Don't pay a mind to anyone who would call you racist or sexist or psycho. Women especially need to learn that this world ain't rainbows and sunshine.

id: 528120 - Text: Hey. I’m a sex worker and it’s very possible for an independent sex worker to get kidnapped by a pimp. Pimps contact me almost every week trying to recruit me AND I’ve heard stories of lower end workers getting drugged by pimps and then told they now work for them. They say things like “your my bottom bitch now”. And can threaten and use manipulation

id: 528268 - Text: These behemoths may outnumber us skinny folks currently, but..make no mistake. These OBEAST's certainly WON'T outlive us🤣😂😂😂 Diabetes is so sexy oh God damn 🤣 High blood pressure, WHERE do I sign up?? Canckles AND Cholesterol..please 🤣😂😂😂

id: 528279 - Text:  @RJermaineJ99  You don't realize how shallow you made yourself look? Bragging about you group of friends then deeming women who are heavy as Less Desirable, that's who less successful men, you're incredibly out of touch, arrogant, sexist, lacking compassion and empathy...I could go on but I know you're not getting my point.

id: 528281 - Text: I wouldn’t have sex with her if it was free and she offered me $200

id: 528307 - Text: The men may want a big girl for the experience of having the sexual experience . Her weight is not healthy.

id: 528380 - Text: Most working girls charge 200-500 per trick for sex and hour now imagine have 10 tricks in one night. They make a lot of money lol.
