31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 573382 - Text:  @sandife4nandes365  at the end of the video mark tried shifting the blame on rich people! You are correct though, each individual person has to take responsibility for their situation in order change it. Victim mentality is a defeated mentality that won't change.

id: 573383 - Text: Very true Mark, from your videos, very important for people to see how the breakdown of the family unit can create very troubled individuals, who suffer their whole lives, while also bringing others down with them. I’m very sorry this happened to you. I can hear the pain in your voice. I also cannot help but think how it’s always the squeaky wheel that gets the oil. The amount of money you kindly gave this woman, could of been an unexpected blessing to so many out there who are too reserved to ask for help, but would pray that you are blessed in return for being so generous to them. The elderly on fixed incomes who have a hard time affording their basic needs, single parents in the same situation. People who have medical needs that are too expensive to maintain. Personally I know many people in these situations trying to stay afloat, who never ask for a thing. In helping people like lady, I donate to a local church that specializes in helping people coming out of jail and halfway houses to find jobs and housing. But I would never give these troubled individuals money directly, especially large sums. I hope this video doesn’t discourage people from donating to you, because it is disheartening to think of people’s hard earned money going straight to a pimp. Again, I’m very sorry this has happened. I appreciate your channel and all that you are trying to do to spread awareness. God bless you in this new year. 🙏🏾

id: 573384 - Text: Agreed to a certain degree, but at some point, adults who are given a chance need to step up and step away. Sorry at some point the excuses need to stop. My Dad had a horrible childhood. No role models, except a father on the run, a mother killed by a bullet meant for my grandfather. Know what kind of man he is? Best Dad ever, loving, compassionate, always wanting better for us. Know how he got out? The military. Until we stop accepting grown adults excuses, there will be no change. I’m sorry, but this woman infuriates me. Love your videos and think you try so so hard. By the way I’m from southern WV, loved your work there!

id: 573389 - Text: SHE DIDNT NEED A FATHER TO KNOW SHE OWES YOU AN APOLOGY!!! Sincere or not, I still wanted to hear it dammit!!! I bet she apologized to that clown ass excuse of a Male she’s allowing to brainwash her and disrespect you though!! This video has me beyond livid and while I’m glad you shared the truth… I’m extremely hurt, pissed and mind blown that you would seriously send her those amounts of money AND ON A DAILY BASIS!!! What was she doing for herself?? And I absolutely hope and pray child services gets involved; even though they’re no better in LA County 🤦🏽‍♀️ SMH IF SHE FOUND TIME TO GET TATTOOS AND THOSE DISGUSTING CLAWS/NAILS DONE!! SHE COULD HAVE WORKED AT WALMART, TARGET ANYWHERE BUT SHE HAS THE GOVERNMENT GIVING HER FOODSTAMPS AND YOU GIVING HER UNTAXED 2-4000k a DAMN WEEK SO WHY SHOULD SHE DO FOR HERSELF? Meanwhile I work my ass off daily 😡

id: 573408 - Text:  @jamesreed1119  Do you not realize it isn't actually his money? LOL He uses money that he gets from his gofundme/subscriptions/etc to pay these people in order to film videos for content to post up. Which in turn makes him more money from the views/videos/subscriptions/etc. If you think my man is "losing" money then you are the trick here LOL. The first video has 6.5mil views, the second video has 1mil views and this one already has 75k and it was literally just posted. If you do the math he's made somewhere in the range of $40-50k from her videos alone on youtube, not counting the gofundme/subscriptions/etc. Yall really dumb to think Mark ain't got this shit figured out. He's the true pimp, selling content of the stories instead of their bodies.

id: 573439 - Text:  @AlexKarasev  yep. My old therapist was working on it with me but I had to switch. Thanks for the tip of yourube videos

id: 573444 - Text: Am curious... how did you come to upload this update?? I am having trouble wording it well over text. Any updates on those previously featured are much appreciated! Your transparency in this interview helped the tone of the video but am genuinely wondering... why update on a subject severing ties??? I read your explanation in the comment section. Am just genuinely curious how you came to uploading this. Like, are you gonna be safe from publishing this??? Sorry. Am happy to further elaborate need be✌️

id: 573471 - Text: This story is so heart breaking, I was so happy with her last video, she seemed happy, hopefully she finds a way to get out, I spent half my life as a drug addict so I van understand the actions that some people make, I can relate with so many people on uour channel, uour channel honestly keeps me clean, you are awesome mark!!

id: 573474 - Text: Very sad! This is why people don’t want to help someone like this because unfortunately they do these kinds of things She needed to be embarrassed and called out for her lies and I’m glad Mark did it on camera. She could have at least apologized. I seriously hope this girl gets out of this situation and starts thinking about her kids first. When I saw the last video I had a feeling she would go back to her old ways. She looked miserable like she was missing her old lifestyle. Fly you should be ashamed of yourself. Go be a damn man and stop doing what your doing. You’re 30 years old grow up. Both of them are going to find themselves in jail/prison soon.

id: 573493 - Text: Fair point. This video was the hardest to watch.
