58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 528520 - Text: I noticed most sex workers in these interviews said they don't fool with black men. That's very interesting to me. Really sad too. Sad that they have formed a bad reputation with these women.

id: 528525 - Text: Jaydee Dean l noticed her legs had scars , if your cutting you are hurting inside big time. Of course all these interviews are people of broken homes mental illness sexual abuse etc.A vicious cycle and generational.

id: 528546 - Text:  @aminaaiono8377  Like I said I do not condone prostitution but not everyone sees prostitutes for sex, the person might have a special fantasy that wifey or gf is not willing to fulfill so, therefore, the person does what he has to do. Let's say you feel like taking a crap in someone's mouth, some women are willing to do it for a few bucks and you won't catch anything from that.

id: 528574 - Text: Proud??? How?? She states she didnt like being forced to have sex or being pimped but yet volunteers for porn??? Hmm??

id: 528728 - Text: As a therapist in the UK I found the three videos of Asriah's story really insightful, almost hopeful too. In this video her body language is very different from the other uploads, and it seemed like her armour is back on.  Before I was a therapist, I was a Detective in the police working on a Child Sexual Exploitation unit, and it was truly heartbreaking to see a child being drawn back into a detrimental circle over and over again. Sadly, Asriah was inducted into this life when she was only a child too, aged 13. It is all she has ever known! Life really CAN get better for her. She CAN change her life for the better, but it would mean doing a different thing in a different way. I would encourage her to reach out to a professional for help. I truly hope she realises her potential (which she has), both for herself and for her children. Mark, you tried, you really did, and by not being complicit you made a difficult but correct decision.  You are a good man. Best wishes in all that you do, James

id: 528955 - Text: Based on what she said in the previous two videos, she experiences a reality that only has the sexual needs of others as the central focus of her livelihood. Prostitution is a crude means of obtaining money that has a detrimental effect on the psyche. For this young woman, a middle-class lifestyle means boredom. And she doesn't have the tools she needs for more sophisticated entertainment in her life. Achieving this takes years. In addition, she still moves in an environment that she knows, no one has the ability to successfully simulate an artificially staged social class change, such a class change can be carried out gradually, but only if she wants to do it herself. She doesn't seem like she's processed the entire situation.

id: 529023 - Text: I used to work as a consultant and when I had a client who wanted to talk to me all the time I just billed them more and more and more until they got the point. Mark never got the point. You are perceiving her and the situation a certain way, but it's your perception that is off and it is only off because you are unable to see it from her perspective (you are a man who wants to engage prostitutes while telling them you are 'saving,' them). You need to ask yourself who you are in this story and what she experiences with men. They come to her, offer money and then she is asked to do whatever they want. She doesn't know if this is just what you want or it is something else. Prostitution isn't just about sex. It's about her engaging your desire for money. You want to save-a-ho and she is charging you for it. "I've done this with a lot of girls in your scenario...." <- Look at her eyes then. She is thinking, "Exactly and they all take your money because they are giving their time and body."

id: 529047 - Text: How deeply tragic, but despite this depressing outcome I don't blame her, as starting out in the sex industry at 13 what kind of childhood is that? Asriah needs Jesus Christ 🙏 only He can walk her out of this darkness and love her unconditionally. There will be forces of darkness and chains ⛓️ to be broken too, generational spirits etc but my God is big enough for the challenge. Asriah you’ll probably never see this comment, but I'll be praying for you every day. I include Victoria who was sold into sex trafficking also. The LORD is coming back to perform justice and judgement upon this fallen world 🌎 Dear reader make yourself ready for that hour. With theses kind of stories hopefully you recognise the hour is near. Those that call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, all sins: past, present and future area wiped clean by the Blood of Jesus.

id: 529110 - Text: What a shameful horrible society we live in. Fucking shame on all these people that exploit people for sex.

id: 529152 - Text: The way she looked away from Fly when confirming the miscarriage was revealing — it looked like anger — did he cause it. She may be a hustler, but he’s treating her badly. Despite upbringings they both know right from wrong. I thought she looked utterly depressed in the previous interview — not sure isolation is the answer even though it’s framed as a new beginning — despite it being incredibly generous and well intentioned. It’s like she needs to be with that woman Annie from the Peter Santenello pod who has a multi tiered system to help sex trafficked women. But as so many above have also said, she needs to want to help herself too.
