58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 530048 - Text: At 03:39, he says "adult sex toys" which got me wondering: Why say "adult" because they'd hardly be child sex toys, would they? I know it's not that unusual to say "adult sex toys" but I just thought I would publicly wonder why the need (not just from him but generally) to affix the word "adult" to the word "sex". It seems odd to me..... Anyway, there you go - Not particularly as interesting as many of the other comments here... It just came to mind, that's all. 🙂

id: 530226 - Text: If you want to help, get the children out of this mess. Likely being sexually abused.

id: 530275 - Text: Mark sounds nervous. She is NOT apologetic! ALL sex toys should be for adults….. He is a PIMP regardless of what he wants to call it🙄

id: 530354 - Text: nobody knows if mark is using these women for sex, nobody knows how often he’s been in her apartment. y’all are all followers eating up whatever he’s feeding you

id: 530355 - Text: mark really didn’t need to make this video. he’s just shaming her. he’s doing something to “help her” but he’s really just looking for clout, money, views etc. i can’t stand this dude. i’m afraid he’s using these women he could easily use them for sex. he didn’t need to make this damn video. duck mark. also creeping in her apartment is wrong. this isn’t the full story i know that much. this is marks narrative.

id: 530553 - Text: It's weird that you are treating her like other men in her life. By getting a key and going in her home because you paid and checking up on her. She played you by getting all that money and you expecting something in return. You should have helped without trying to get in her pants. I love you mark but this was so wrong. Every man she's encountered has wanted sex from her. She needs a father figure to love and protect her.

id: 530572 - Text: He cares for her. She a very attractive. If he was trying to sleep with her, he could have just paid her for sex. He was trying to help her. She is a hooker and easy to get in bed. It was more than that.

id: 530721 - Text: No offence, but it seems like he set himself & her up. Overgiving. Even if he’s paying for a place he does not have the right to enter her home without permission. Now he’s publicly shaming her. He can’t expect to control her as much as the pumps should not except to control her. He can support her as much as he’s ok with, but really the excessive amount points to his own derangement. Thousands for the ski hill? Harm reduction. Emotional support. Respect within their framework moving towards wellness. If she has hustle, her sexual work, addiction, the lifestyle… what do you expect?

id: 530853 - Text: Watched the 3 videos in order but turns out she was just a manipulator and scammer like her pimps. Being around them for so long and learning from them, she's the same now. You can't blame the guys, because she had a choice. There's probably a few hints in there like saying she's always getting into fights... okay so she's actually an angry/violent herself with other girls? Or when she's talking about the "creep" that just wants to talk and give her a foot massage, as if that's the weirdest thing in sex work for her. I felt sorry when she said if some of these guys would just give her a chance they might find she's not going to treat them as they'd stereotyped. But turns out she does exactly that. Mark helps her massively, and he isn't even after anything at all, probably more help than any of the other girls get, and she uses him, lies to him and drops him when the money runs out. Then at the end she has zero empathy or remorse. Not even a sorry or a thank you, from either one of them "hey bro thanks for the thousands we scammed, our bad but you know... crystal meth has its lock son". You talk about lack of money, but this dude isn't lacking, he's dressed fine, they both are. Just how much goes back to the gang or just goes to drugs though? Up to $2k/day working tricks but you can't afford a $500 car to drive to another city and start over? Anyway you know her better than us, we know her from a 2 hr interview where she says as little as possible and seems pretty dead of emotion. I think the more important thing is you got the heck outta there without getting shot. Hope you have some security backing you up. If America wakes tf up and legalises prostitution, a lot of this will go away. These girls can work legally in proper establishments where they get up to 80% of the money and there's very little drugging, abuse and trafficking. By the way Mark what happened after that, it's been a year now.

id: 530983 - Text: It makes me so uncomfortable like the beating around the bush like be straight up like yo what's going on do you ever pimp again talk to me what's what's up and be real is definitely probably very uncomfortable to walk into someone's apartment and find a bunch of sex toys and see that this is we're your money is going but just have a honest conversation I'm sure it's a lot these people need therapy most of the time everyone does this is clearly a fucked up and deep reason behind this
