58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 531189 - Text: Get a gun defend yiut self you stuhpiod biouttches call ,asking for food sexist then want MY LIFE? NAH FUqVK YOU

id: 531328 - Text: So sad... just heart breaking in a way... like standing in the street knowing that you're going to get hit by a truck but, nope... it's good, truck is barrelling down the road, nope, i got to stand here, this is where i belong, this is all i know... and then one day that truck hit's you and you're gone... if it misses you then it takes your kids or someone close to you... but still that's all they know, standing in the street, waiting... and ain't nobody that can help... so sad... it's as if they don't have the 'way with all' to know... so street smart, but yet such a lack of common sense... and the pimps... wow, that's how they treat people, they are nothing worse than sex traffickers... slave owners... they are the scum, they ain't helping... they are making it happen... the street is their prison... and women are an asset... that they exploit... so sad... death is the only freedom... but vision is the only thing that will show you that you are living in a cell... this girl spent so much time there that she forgot that at one time in her life see saw the bars... Loved your work Mark and could feel it all in your voice on this one.

id: 531386 - Text: Did you have sex with her if so Duck yourself!!!

id: 531409 - Text: This woman is so broken. She has only ever known one way to survive. You can give her money and a new place to stay but without therapy and substance abuse counseling to treat her underlying trauma you kind of set her up to fail. Even then, if she doesn't take it seriously it's really not going to work. You have multiple things going on here. Substance abuse changes your brain and makes you a slave to it. She definitely has some kind of Stockholm syndrome from literally belonging to pimps her whole life. The trauma this girl has suffered has to be unreal and the pimps are "the devil she knows". Battling those things, while being a single mom. Then there is the fact that every time she does sex work she is re-traumatizing herself and then needs the drugs to escape. It's a vicious cycle. She didn't betray him, she did the only thing she knows how to do to survive, she took the man's money as a way to temporarily hit pause on the sex work. She knew as much as he did that it would eventually fall apart. Her brain does not operate the way ours does, almost like trying to deprogram someone who just came out of a cult. She needs therapy and possibly the correct medication to help her deal with her trauma. But to those who say she betrayed him, it wasn't even like that. She probably did have hope that he could help her, but in the back of her mind he was just another date and he knew that is probably how it would go. He does this work enough to know that a change of scenery and financial stability are not all that is necessary to truly help someone in her position. This is a totally different woman than the one we saw in the videos where she didn't have a pimp. She was talkative and animated with her expressions. This woman in front of us is so afraid of being abused that she won't even have a conversation.

id: 531515 - Text: Dang buddy, you're one in a million to be taking care of this chick and her kids. Shoot you could get more people to tell their story's for way cheaper. I've had a crappy background and used to be a stripper, but shoot I could make it living on less than $100 a day! Really $2,000 a day!?!? Come interview me. Lol! No, I'm making it with the help and grace of God. I'm no longer out running and stripping or druggin', or buggin', and I've been clean for 10yrs, and trying to give my kids a good life. But there are other people who wouldn't do you like that, and do need help out here. She's more worried about geting tats, and nails did, clothes,and sex toys, and somebody else could use that money for good!! I know her face tats make her an interesting subject, but here are people who don't look as crazy that got way more story's to tell!!

id: 531516 - Text: At some point, I kind of wonder what it's gonna take to even have a chance of breaking the cycle...Like, is it really an ARMY (miiiiillions more social workers and psychologists) that we need to help people like this out? Or something drastic towards all them pimps/abusers to try to break the cycle of traumas? Sorry but the sexual exploitation of women and violence towards them "to keep them in line" does not elicit one iota of sympathy from me, even if I'm fully aware that these pimps were children themselves before and grew up in these circumstances. This is no excuse for becoming one. They should be used as fertilizers in the fields for all I care (this goes for any abusive human, but we could start with pimps and pedos). Society needs to draw a line and take action at some point, we're pushing on 8 billion on this Earth now...

id: 531541 - Text: Why does she still have custody of her kids? Where the hell were her kids staying? We're living in that apartment filled with sex toys?

id: 531734 - Text: There are No pimps that sell women that are trying to help them. That’s a crazy statement. Pimps are predators and literal sex offenders

id: 531860 - Text: she said it her self... she get paid for conversation or sex!

id: 531870 - Text: This is such a sad sad...story/life?! It's more touching then any movie, that tries to bring this kind of problematic life!! First, i felt sooo dissapoonted and kinda angry... She got this great opportunity, and still blew it!! She's graduated in this!! And should know better, I'm sure she also knows this. Why, sticking in this life of bloods and cribs?!.... It's sooo meaningless, and obvious extortion, manipulation!!!.... I guess, she still has HOPE , that in this 'life' she can find a good guy, ...also the drugs play a part, more then anyone can see. SHE NEED TO GET SOMEKIND OF COURSE, with all casualties and deaths...AND that NOBODY can find peace of heart, love, or any kind of good life. It's cliche, but it really is damaged good..... That needs to make the switch only by herself!!! As long, she sees a little kind of good, or just the easy way.... As she known for 10years. She'll never get out of it. These guys, are the REAL PROBLEM !! They play a game, are master manipulators. I need to add, i lived 5 years in PATTAYA!!! And it's almost identical to what many farang go through, on holiday there. These girls, are being educated by family and friends!! Once they start screwing around with poor local Thai boys, even the parents send them on the bus to Pattaya. And with Facebook etc... They keep an agenda, with every CUSTOMER, to keep track for when ,who comes over.... And they all send money, in good faith that they'll wait 🤣 It's just laughable out there..... Grown up men, never had sex in decades.... believing these bar girls..... Even when you warn them!! They ALLLL say: my gf is different 😂 They all send about 3 to 500$ a month,... It all depends on how good they look. And some have a very luxury life!!! The games....i can write a book about all the games they use!!! It's paradise for a single guy.... But idiots go and look for love in world's biggest city playground!! Just check out:. Online disco INSOMNIA PATTAYA .... They cost nothing!!!! And are stunning!!! And they choose for it!!! Life is so cheap in Thailand, they can retire in a few years work, if they play the game right. It's completely different. No pimps, just barfine....and some keep a Thai boyfriend. If you see that disco, they all are 'freelance' in there. And they are enjoying life to the fullest!! How it can be different, for the same 'work', but different culture. You make great, that can be an opportunity? But Thai don't easy, show to foreigners how things work. There the tourists need to be street smart. And also, many use ice or Yaba..... For same reasons. But it's sad..... I hope she'll see clearly...and want to make a real change,... Of it's for the drugs,.... Many use it CONTROLED!!! As long you don't go opioids...that's the gates of hell!!! ✌️
