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id: 532855 - Text:  @meaghans4380  Taking advantage of Mark's kindness to the point she's getting him to give her thousands of dollars "for her kids" meanwhile blowing it all on drugs and sex toys and having him thinking she's on a ski trip when in reality she's just sitting around the apartment he paid for using his money to get high with a houseguest he never approved of or knee about ISN'T cold hearted in your eyes? Sheesh

id: 532961 - Text: I'm really hoping he didn't do all this stuff for those girl for any sexual favors or anything because it's much as he's around these type of individuals you would think he's smart enough not to be giving them $1,000 a day multiple times a day. Obviously I'm not making any accusations but it definitely looks weird I'll say that

id: 533240 - Text: I'm so sorry Mark. Don't make excuses for her/their behavior. It makes me so mad, because I could hear the devastation in your voice. I would KILL to have someone give me the opportunity to get me out of this Life. I'm working on myself, I got sober and have been off all opiates for 10 months, but I can't quit Sex work. I'm not pimped, I'm not working the streets, but I can't support myself without eecorting. I live in a very expensive city, and I WANT a job. Just an office job, my god I worked in healthcare before I became a sex worker. But it's so hard to get out. You wake up every day with dread, wondering if today is the day you die. Escorting is better than working the street but it's still dangerous. I just want a normal life, I want friends and a husband but I just can't seem to do this on my own. I see this dumb little girl squander a golden chance and all she did, Mark, is treat you like a trick. And I'm so sorry. But so very angry. I would give anything to have someone care and help me and get me the fuck out of this Life. I just want to be normal, and after 10 years in this biz, it seems I've forgotten how.

id: 533369 - Text: STOP THIS BULL SHIT Gutter stinks, IT IS NOT GUTTERS PROBLEM, but it stinks. However in our case it is our choice, remember my body my choice. East money flow can never be ruled out, world oldest profession for a reason. NO INVESTMENT ONLY OUTCOME. Easy life, easy money AND easy damaged goods. SOMEHOW, how come prostitutes, sex workers, escorts, drud addicts, criminals, pornstars, onlyfans celebs, murderers, serial killers, psychopaths etc have same story. PS u how how difficult is it for outlaw psycho killer to kill.

id: 533418 - Text: Sad story! This girl is living in a prisonof what she learned as a child about love. And from not being loved as she deserved as a child! So sad she is so beautiful. Ha, but check it he doesn't even want to be called a pimp lol, though he came in and f***ed her and her kids situation up..."Money Manager" not a PIMP What a joke. This fool is useless. Minor Possession, he is a sex trafficker WTF This guy is such a joke. She was out. Until him swoopin back.

id: 533500 - Text: To use her kids that she abandoned as an excuse to get money from mark and then give to a pimp is just disgusting. I don't care how young she is, what about her poor children? She would rather buy sex toys and outfits to have sex with her pimp in than provide for her poor kids who I'm sure have been through a lot. Deadbeat parents who lie about having children so that they can get free money are the worst kind of bums. She makes me puke

id: 533520 - Text: This was beyond infuriating to watch because I watched her 1st video and second video and I felt like her Story was so sad she's been through a lot & dealt a rough hand in life however It's obvious that she took advantage of the situation and this Fortune! She was given a huge blessing & squarandered it Away Including him giving her a Car!!! I'm struggling to get a car and need it to work and run my own business & for charity work, so to think that this girl is given a vehicle for free and an apartment and Hundreds of dollars a day which I must Say-Nobody I mean Nobody needs hundreds of dollars per day!!! She is a drug addict and unfortunately they cannot be trusted and they definitely cannot be given unlimited access to money when they have not Earned the trust by going through a rehab program! She needs deep psychological therapy she is suffering from Intense emotional, physical and mental trauma However without the help of professionals There's really hardly no chance that she won't regress back to her ways and that's not even the drug use alone that is her not having any self worth and Feeling like she is Only supposed to wind up with someone who is selling her and pimping her out and selling her body As a prostitute!! It is very tragic it's very very sad because she could do many other things in this world and I honestly think that if she had therapy and went to rehab and was in a controlled environment & reintegrated back to society in steps where she is allowed to return to society part time working through a work release Program where she still would have to live at the facility while receiving therapy and continued rehabilitation While working a legitimate job where she's earning her own money and she can see the paycheck and her name on it and Bank account In her name & She has the money to go buy herself a meal and keep the cash and keep Her paycheck she will have a new sense of self She would have a Renewed if not brand new self Respect and honor because it would be the 1st time in her life that she's doing something legitimate and the money she earns is all hers! I know that This channel is trying to help people but Unfortunately that hard earned money that people donated just went to waste on crystal meth and this loser who is pimping her out! I wish that the interviewer would have been a little more harder on him interviewing him just with the one simple question when he said that he keeps her money I would have said "Why do you think you deserve to have her money that is hers that she has earned-It's Not Yours!!???? 😡😡 You are a man but not a Real Man Because a real man doesn't do that! They actually work & earn money and they take care of the women in their life they don't take money from women! Not any woman! And she needs to wake up and realize not only is he taking money away from her he is taking money away from her kids that's what he is doing every single time he's taking her money that money could be going towards a savings account for her children because we know she lives a high risk lifestyle and any woman any parent any mother knows that once you have a child you have to have some type of life insurance and some type of trust Set up for your children because anything can happen at anytime even to someone who's not living a high risk lifestyle could still be killed by crossing the street on their way to the store or on their way to work or on their way to pick up their kids from school so She needs to think about the future for her children because her children are gonna wind up in another vicious cycle and I won't disagree She with the fact that there is systematic racism, poverty & other factors that keep people in these cycles! I'm sure that guy wasn't given a lot of opportunity in Life and she unfortunately wasn't given as much opportunity in life however As we grow up and we become young adults we have to realize that even if we are dealt an unfair hand it is up to us to try to make the best life possible for ourselves even if it is unfair and we have to work harder we have to climb more because we start way below So many other people in society!!! No 1 is gonna care When you wind up far behind even if they do feel bad for you It's no 1 else's job To pull you up You have to take advantage of the opportunities to get help to pull yourself up but you still are the one that can do something if you are of able mind body and soul then you have to make a change! Ironically She said in the 1st video if you keep doing the same things and you don't make a change you will wind up in the same place making The same mistakes! I sincerely hope that she goes back and watches that 1st video and reads the comments of what people have said about her, uplifting her, caring about her and she realizes what she's done! I know at this video she was feeling regretful but she also was upset that she's not gonna get any more money from him and I believe this guy was intimidating her as well I'm sure he said don't make me look bad I'll beat you down when we get out of here and probably did that anyway because he was so mad that now she's not gonna get all these thousands of dollars every week That he gets to use to do whatever he wants without any repercussions And without doing any work-It's so frustrating to watch but I hope that people really reconsider Donating And or at the very least that the creator of the soft white underbelly will start to team up with therapists and rehab facilities And get these people in treatment programs and counseling because if they don't have that foundation 1st you're really just throwing other people's money away and your own money buying them cars and what did she do with that car she obviously was using that apartment for tricks! My comment is late so I don't know if anyone will read this and I just came across her videos last night and finished this 1 today But I hope that he changes the way he helps these people because honestly you're just kind of letting them spiral and into more addiction and stay in that lifestyle longer because they all the sudden now Are getting unlimited money, free apartments and cars And they may appreciate it at 1st but not truly because they're thinking wow I came up And now I got enough to go score Or I can give some of this to my pimp And I can buy stuff to go Ho cause now I can get new clothes and sex toys and use that for the tricks And if someone wants to do that on their own time that's their choice but people who really need help could use that money people who are clean who are in the process of getting clean and truly need help because they are homeless and they have kids and they have no other options and there are a lot of programs out here that will put up people in housing But you have to Be clean or be in a treatment program and sometimes it seems unfair but there's a reason that those protocols are in place because when people aren't clean & haven't went through a program they go back to doing the same thing then you have drugs users in apartment buildings with upstanding citizens and that becomes a dangerous situation and it's unfair to the people who are Not using drugs and partaking in Gangs, prostitution and drug dealing, so I pray she can change her ways and wakes up and realizes herself worth and stop giving men money and let them pimp her out And I hope that the people who really Need help will be found by you and be helped cause they really need it!

id: 533528 - Text: you are a Chump !! 100% where's the therapy for all the trauma she's been through she's obviously wired to do drugs and be a sex worker!!! all you did is enable her and she manipulated you!!! I could use three or $400 a day.... and going into her apartment that's in your name to use the bathroom you could have simply asked the management office? that's some stalker shit right there!! I'm unsubscribing from your channel you are taking advantage of mentally ill people just to create content and revenue on your YouTube channel !! 👎👎👎

id: 533535 - Text: He participated in her running game. He was facilitating exactly what she does minus sex. Find a john and turn him out for all you can, some times its a set price for a set time, others is very what you can till it runs out. That's the game.

id: 534008 - Text:  @Tryingtosex  I don't think so, it's not easy to change a live long habit ( on top of a addiction ). You need a lot of inner strength for that
