58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 51922 - Text: So only people who had great childhoods can be porn entertainers? Some people find catharsis through sex work.

id: 51923 - Text:  @primroseproblematic2059  if these girls alresdy suffer from low self esteem issues due to their childhoods and then are flung into the porn industry - I can’t imagine that being healthy or therapeutic for them at all. Porn objectifies women completely and portrays sex as a purely physical activity. The whole act of men shooting their loads onto women’s faces while they sit on their knees desperately moaning and asking for it while staring up at the men. Is not a normal thing - it’s kind of degrading.

id: 51930 - Text: She might be taking ownership of her abuse by being in charge of her sexuality. It’s common in A lot of sexual abuse victims. I just hope for her sake that she’s also getting mental health treatment as well. Just talking to an unbiased third party can do wonders for a person, and Could help her put it all together.

id: 51961 - Text: It's painful watching her nervous smiling and giggling as she talks about being raped and beaten as a child, and then finally breaks down. So many people in the sex industry have histories of abuse. And for fuck's sake I wish dude would provide these people with a comfortable chair!

id: 52007 - Text: Parents should never abuse a child. The scars can & often do last a lifetime. I was badly abused as a child, sexually assaulted while serving in the military, abused by an a-hole spouse. When I had my first 2 babies, I saw myself just starting to repeat the abuse & said oh hell no! I got some intense therapy to be a good mother & my kiddos are all doing great. Luna had a terrible start in life, she has worked hard to do better. Never ever EVER abuse a child.

id: 52033 - Text: Reading the comments it shows how we as human beings judge people based on looks, we don’t mean to but we just do ! She’s beautiful and it shows in the comments how much people were influenced by her beauty! I wish her luck and hope she has a good future and gets out of the porn industry. Being sexually abused and now doing porn is terrible for her mental health !

id: 52043 - Text: Not necessarily.. many men are supportive of their women, and believe in female empowerment in this regard. As in if that's something she is comfortable with and choses to do, he won't stand in the way of it. Sex work is just an unconventional job. It is WORK, and sex workers can make just as much if not more than doctors, lawyers, etc. and alot of people are able to maintain trust and feel comfortable in knowing there is a difference between her expression of sexuality with the men she works with and a love connection/a deeper bond. And like she said, he gets turned on by it, and that isn't an entirely uncommon fetish. I couldn't say for sure if this is 100% the case with them, but still. Sounds like she probably comes home and shows him what she did at work that day, or he attends some of the filming.

id: 52055 - Text: I don't think it's "female empowerment" for her working in the sex industry given her life history, she suffered from child sexual abuse from very early in her life, and as an adult she ended up in the sex industry. I see that as an abuse cycle, people who suffered abuse in childhood tend to replicate the abuse in adulthood. Her husband is probably another abusive relationship she got into, he doesn't mind her being a porn actress so long as she keeps supporting him financially.

id: 52059 - Text:  @matronaes8074  She made a choice to do porn, no? She didn't say that it was his idea, just that he was ok with it. She also said that she stopped for a while and was now considering or had already gotten back into it. Didn't seem to me like he was forcing her or pushing her. I'm not saying there aren't unhealthy aspects of this womans life, she is obviously effected by what she has been through. And as I said, I don't know if this is the case for them. I only ment that it isn't a for sure thing that he is abusive about it. But you're thick and failed to catch that I wasn't pretending to know any more about these people than anyone else watching this video. Also, Female Empowerment isn't that conditional. You're implying that sex workers don't deserve to feel empowered or supported. Next time you're jerking off to porn, ask yourself, "Does this person deserve to be loved and supported unconditionally, even when they are making porn?" If the answer is no, then you're an asshole.

id: 52066 - Text: I agree. No self respecting husband is going to allow his wife to earn a living in an industry that degrades and demeans women. Porn is a filthy and soul destroying business and it is going to be hard to wash off all that filth. He is nothing but a pimp who most likely than not is unemployed and is living off his wife. If you could call her a wife, sex slave is a more appropriate term. Poor woman, she was dealt a very bad hand in life and now is in the hands of a man that is further exploiting her. Please say a prayer for her, she is so used to being abused she thinks this man is her rock. I wish she had found someone to love and cherish and protect her; instead of exploiting her.
