58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 534010 - Text:  @Tryingtosex  ppl who have zero self worth from a life where it's engrained in you that you don't deserve anything better seldomly do

id: 534183 - Text: it is often asked why should we supply narcan kits??? arent we just enabling addicts? answer--- no matter how many lives we save again and again 2do it just takes THAT time for a sex worker to break the pimp or as in narcan to stop the habit.

id: 534191 - Text: I say this with the full knowledge of most having no idea about how much delusional love abusive love and all around perverted shit goes into this sex work. She could want the absolute best life for herself and her children but also be so jaded so scared and ultimately so fucking tired that she will fall for the “let me help you get out the trenches , I love you , me holding the money is best “ facade. You will never understand her way of thinking because you have never been anywhere close to her shoes. You know what I see ? A woman who didn’t stick up for herself NOT ONCE a silent woman !! What woman do you know that will sit back and let you say things about them? Her life has made her feel less than worthy , she views herself as worthless and all the money in the world would t stop her from finding even ONE person ALBEiT most likely the most violent manipulative person around because that is what she believes love and caring looks like. She has been brainwashed manipulated and God knows what else . She’s remorseful but she will never be able to leave any part of the game till she looks in the mirror amd forgives herself . I can bet my last dollar she’s harder on herself than any comment anyone could possibly leave on this video

id: 534259 - Text: Rule #1 : No boyfriends Rule #2 : No men Rule #3 : No sex Asriah will never even have a chance to change unless she's completely taken out of her former environment and all contact with former acquaintances. She must be given strict rules and told exactly what she must do. If there's an allowance, it should be on schedule and only on that schedule. No exceptions. No extras. Making excuses for their choices and actions are not helpful. They must feel the weight of their agency and expected to exercise that agency. No exceptions. No blaming anyone. It must be clear that every choice they make is an exercise of their personal will. If you make excuses for them through deep philosophy, they will use that as an out. No philosophy. No abstractions about how human behavior is shaped. Just very strict rules, expectations and exercising discipline. That's the only way.

id: 534365 - Text:  @alnorth612  well I deal in logic not ancient superstition so I know that isn’t true and in fact was created to keep sheep like you busy pointing fingers at people with no power while the people in power exploit you Prostitution is a form of labor and absent positive or negative action it isn’t inherently good or bad. The direct and indirect ruination of men and women is a result of our heirarchical capitalist structure and the oppression the masses are subjected to under it Btw unless you’re self employed you’re a prostitute too. The only difference between you and her is that she sells sex and you sell labor. Your time and body are just as commoditized as hers. Probably even more so since she doesn’t have to work a 9 to 5

id: 534449 - Text: He obviously has feelings for her and crossed the line from professional to personal, the scary thing is he actually seems obsessed about her and is almost stalker tendencies. Unfortunately he seems to want things from her and all she wants is the money, even though he finally witnesses what he thought but didnt want to believe he continues to make excuses for her and is trying to justify her actions. Its very worrying when he says "I cant help you when there is people like this in the situation" this shows a control situation, it is basically I can give you all this but you do what I say, you dont have other men in your life, this is also obvious when if listened to he keeps coming back to this situation of there was a dude there, he says that when he asked she lied so again he clearly has obsessed over this point. The bathroom comment is text book an excuse to enter the room to look around when she was not there (jealous boyfriend, obsession, stalker tendencies), he mentions uniforms sex toys no sign of kids a lot of looking around, not just using the bathroom. He then justifies this in his mind by saying "I needed the bathroom and I thought I would use your bathroom as I was paying for the room anyway" . This is a really bad situation and Mark you do fantastic work, but on this you need to cut all ties and leave it behind you.

id: 534508 - Text: Let me clarify I don't mean sexual or inappropriate,just her je na sais quoi! Mark seems of impeccable,good, humble energy.

id: 534533 - Text: I am sorry, I watch many of these stories and understand, however, I do not like this girl. I think she is hardened, manipulative, and likes that life. No kids toys, only sex toys?! Wow. She is using and wants what she wants which is hand outs and attention. So sad to have perfect opportunities to get out, but chose otherwise when so many ppl are in need and would die for this chance. Her children are victims, not her! Ps...she obviously gets her nails done and (they are like 6 in long w design on every one) can afford tattoos, but can't take care of her children? Nope sorry. Some deserve compassion, some do not.

id: 534544 - Text: Something about these videos is kind of weird to me. I think the idea of giving money to sex workers with strings attached reinforces the same idea behind the sex work that you’re trying to get them out of — you pay her and expect loyalty from her in return. You said in the video “you’re more loyal to [pimp] than you are to me.” As if her choice is between which man to be loyal to rather than between who she wants to be, for herself. This isn’t to say you are doing bad things. Frankly, I’m not sure how you could get away from the dynamic I described above. But it is nonetheless unsettling.

id: 534596 - Text: She isn’t going to show any emotion when her pimp is present. Period. I’m quite familiar with “the life” and I know, for a fact, her openly expressing any sort of genuine emotion towards the interviewer and stating her desires to get out of “the life” in front of her pimp could get her beaten and/or killed. I am 100% sure that her pimp has threatened her and told her that if she did not use the interviewer as “just another John”, she would get beaten. People forget PIMPS are not like a manager or a “boss”. Pimps are SEX TRAFFICKERS. They use a wide variety of abuse tactics to cripple their victims and get them to live in fear. These girls will often do almost anything if their pimp commands it because the fear of the pimp is so strong. Not to mention, it’s uncommon for pimps to kill any of their “girls” that try to go “renegade” (AKA break away from the pimp). The only way to get a girl out of the grasp of a pimp (at least for SOME PERIOD OF TIME) is to #1 put physical distance between them so that she is now out of the grasp of him #2 get the woman a protective order against him #3 REPLACE the “emotional support system” she just lost. Most working girls have no friends outside of their pimp. Lonely people go back to toxic situations because humans aren’t MEANT to be alone. We’re social creatures. We crave it - even at our own detriment. She needs to get in therapy, be put in social settings with other former sex workers where she can find common ground and bond with people that understand and support her. This woman needs to have a whole network of people around her that can uplift her and prevent her from going back to her trafficker. Things like this are so heartbreaking to see. :(
