31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 577208 - Text: Until these guys see this video…

id: 577316 - Text: I beg to differ, there’s men watching this video right now trying to figure out how they can get her contact information!

id: 577324 - Text: “Growing up in a strict household…you just rebel…” Well, many children are brought up in strict homes but they manage to turn out ok without all the dysfunction and drama. I pray she can get out of her “finesse” lifestyle. Beneath her skin is a wounded child… When her looks fail with age or she has a serious health issue then what??? I pray for her safety and well-being. Thank you both for this video!❤️🙏

id: 577338 - Text: The funniest thing is that she doesn't think the people she finesses will come across videos like this. She fully intends to run the streets forever. I only pity her children.

id: 577398 - Text: I actually u used to watch her asmr videos

id: 577539 - Text: Arrogant and totally full of S!!! If you had it even close to what you claim, you certainly wouldn't be walking the blade. Did you mean your pimps Benz is paid for.?.? SB my sugar ass!!! 2 hours later.... I just watched your rap video and your channel, you have come a long way down Young Lady and I'm absolutely shocked you're so GD arrogant!!! Unbelievable you haven't been humbled yet, you're stubborn I will certainly give you that!!! This channel is the wrong place to be judging and belittling EVERYONE when you are no better. I really hope this whole interview is a front and irl you don't talk/act this way towards others. You lost your looks long ago, you aren't all that and you couldn't get 7 cents out of me unless that's how much it would cost to get you to leave, then I would flip you a quarter!!!

id: 577576 - Text:  @lf1496  why do people feel the need to defend everyone in these videos? Do you think doing bad stuff because you had a bad childhood is okay?

id: 577652 - Text: Your videos are moving— happy new year from philippines.

id: 577666 - Text: I’ve watched a lot of these videos. This is one of my favorite interviews. I love her. Princess is such a real person. She is indeed a gangsta

id: 577675 - Text: Made it to the 4:12min mark watching this video. Too painful to listen too. I had to stop watching/listening to this woman’s story. Have known 2 ladies who had the same thing happen to them. I’ve developed this rage against males who do this to young girls. I don’t know where this emotion comes from. But as in this case, it can mess women up for life. It infuriates me.
