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id: 534774 - Text: What’s his obsession with knowing and sharing sex works real names? It’s so dangerous

id: 534793 - Text: Just watched the first of her interviews and had to see if there was a follow up. I was so inspired by her and utterly heartbroken that she hasn't broken out of this life yet. But that would probably be an unrealistic fairy tale ending. After ending up as a pimped 'prostitue' (aka victim of child sex abuse) at just 13 and surrounded by people that want to keep her there throughout her life it must be incredibly hard for her to break free psychologically. She seemed so uncomfortable throughout this video. I really hope she can heal and break out of this lifestyle eventually.

id: 534857 - Text: meh. imo, he's another weirdo male-photographer (so cliche) who wanted to maintain control over a much younger, truly vulnerable sex worker and got exactly what he deserved: used right back. there's nothing "outstanding" about throwing heaps of money at a disadvantaged young woman with an active drug addiction and then being jealous of her literally murderous pimp because you thought you were her old man-boyfriend. i like the channel but he's a total loser.

id: 534909 - Text: Definitely painful to watch. I have dated a former prostitute before. She had been in and out of the legal system for years, had 5 kids with 4 different dads, and was very bright. I didn't know all of those things when I started dating her of course, or else I probably wouldn't have been interested. She was extremely beautiful, submissive sexually, and we got along very well. Although she always blamed the environment she grew up in, or the environment she was in at the moment, she did genuinely show interest in having a better future. Unfortunately, once the random requests for money came in, I had to end it. She was also incapable of receiving genuine love. It was heartbreaking to watch. She would turn things against me. The sick thing about it is if I treated her worse, she treated me better. A lot of these people are very different from the people watching this video. Unlike most people, I refuse to believe that their choices are not theirs. Yes, psychologically they don't have a very good chance of recovery. Especially Asriah, who literally was raised on drugs, danger, sex, and abuse. But there are plenty of stories of people who have escaped those environments because they didn't want that in their future. It is probably the HARDEST thing they have ever done, but it is possible. For any other guys who get into 'rescue' mode, and want to save these women based on their kind hearts and their beauty, it's very unlikely that you will be successful. After watching her last video, even I was tempted to offer some kind of assistance. Hey, even a phone call is all she wanted. But I have been there before. As rude as it sounds, do you really want to be with someone who views you as a weakling and an ATM?


id: 535034 - Text: You gave her $3 to $400 a day? You were paying her for sex! Keep patting yourself on the back You "jackass"!!

id: 535037 - Text: Mark, I don't understand your expectations of Asriah. Most of us watching these videos have no idea the kind of extra hardship some people are born with. The Foster system that she grew up in is full of abuse cases. I used to work in a homeless shelter and this young lady story is not unusual. It's hard enough for most people to overcome drug addiction or to escape the world of prostitution especially if they've been victims sexual abuse as a child. Depression, anxiety and trauma recovery can also take most of us many years to overcome if we do it at all. And people with low self-esteem often feel they deserve to be mistreated even if a part of them knows it's not right. This young woman appears to be experiencing all of these serious issues on top of the responsibility of being a single parent... Without any family support. Money alone can't fix these complex issues. She needs safe community support that understands how to walk her through many steps it takes to recover. I hope people don't criticize her relapse. It doesn't help her

id: 535044 - Text:  @franksuit1270  yes i totally understand if he feels he has to step back because of concerns for his safety. Whats so American and unnecessary is the publically shaming her in a video like this. Hes claerly pissed that he feels hes wasted all this money on her as he kept banging on about it. Clearly to anyone with a brain the reason he stepped back was because of how he feels hes wasted money on her and that shes more loyal to the people who physically abuse her than she is to him. I came across these videos and I really started to respect what this guy was doing and started watching a whole bunch of them. Not because he was helping them (I had no idea he did anything beyond paying them to do a video) but giving these people a voice and hearing there storys and how heartbraking it was to see so many people in the grips of a drug addiction they couldnt shake or some of the horrific things theyd been through in there lives. I watched her original videos where she wasnt with a pimp at that time and she openly talked about what she did and why and you could see she was such an inteligent kind hearted women that didnt want to be controlled by a pimp anymore and didnt want to be controlled by the gang she had been associated with. You then watch this video and shes absolutley terrified to put two words together now shes under control of physical abuse again and this twat cares more about how she wasted his money and time and was more loyal to the people that would hurt her is she wasnt, than she was to him. Disgusting treament. Shes more loyal to them mate because shell get beaten up if shes not! so get over yourself. helping someone means helping them when there past trys to drag that person back down again. I couldnt give a toss about your wasted money. She aint your bloody hore. Shes scared as hell to say anything. Shame on you for publically shaming her like this because she wasnt as loyal to you as your bank account suggested you that she should be. again, she aint your hore. Shame on you. help the girl or dont help the girl. Dont publically shame a women like that whos scared and under threat of physical abuse. Youve shown your true colours and you should have a sit down and take a long hard look at yourself and ask yourself what you do this and why you chose to help her in the first place. Did you see an oppotunity to help someone or was your decision to help her influanced by her being an attractive sex worker?

id: 535049 - Text: I like how everyone is shitting on mark for helping a drug addict and prostitute. He didn’t pay for sex. He paid for her room and board to get her off fig. She just wasn’t ready to leave the life. She took advantage and I bet the pimp was around during the second interview. They didn’t think mark would check in. I hope she turns her shit around. For her kids sake

id: 535295 - Text: Money can’t buy happiness…I grew up in hell …sexually abused tortured for years in my life. My step dad is in prison…me been married 35 yrs never hit my wife raised 3 successful children…I don’t drink nor do drugs …never bought a dirty magazine ever…I’ve had several surgeries I’m on disability from working 100-110 hrs a WEEK. AND AM OK WITH LIFE wished I could have been more successful but my kids are all super good my mother was also a bad parent .not good at all…my kids all have 20-40 thousand in their bank accounts…doing super…can’t help those who don’t want to help themselves…proof this chick right here
