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id: 535332 - Text:  @kalnedlewil2897  you have no idea what she wants . And I say this with the full knowledge of you having no idea about how much delusional love abusive love and all around perverted shit goes into this sex work. She could want the absolute best life for herself and her children but also be so jaded so scared and ultimately so fucking tired that she will fall for the “let me help you get out the trenches , I love you , me holding the money is best “ facade. You will never understand her way of thinking because you have never been anywhere close to her shoes. You know what I see ? A woman who didn’t stick up for herself NOT ONCE a silent woman !! What woman do you know that will sit back and let you say things about them? Her life has made her feel less than worthy , she views herself as worthless and all the money in the world would t stop her from finding even ONE person ALBEiT most likely the most violent manipulative person around because that is what she believes love and caring looks like. She has been brainwashed manipulated and God knows what else . She’s remorseful but she will never be able to leave any part of the game till she looks in the mirror amd forgives herself . I can bet my last dollar she’s harder on herself than any comment anyone could possibly leave on this video

id: 535432 - Text: he was getting sexual favors off her he could not help himself

id: 535472 - Text: ok I'm sorry I have to get this out there because no one seems to realize it. This guy is absolutely toxic and damaging.  First of all his whole channel is about portraying prostitution as something evil and terrible and something that no one 'deserves', when sex work can also be completely voluntarily and fun and safe. His videos contribute to a stereotype where no one actually respects prostitutes.  Nowhere in the first interview with this girl did he ask anything that would even teach him anything new. His videos are just sensation-driven and he only wants to hear how terrible and dangerous prostitution is, he doesn't care at all about learning new stuff about it, he just wants to confirm how evil it is. Second of all, he's just feeding into his own savior complex, even though he has no real help to offer because he is not a professional. It is selfish to think he can just 'save' her while having no idea how to go about it, because it is so much more complex than just paying for an apartment.  Also, if he really cared about her safety, why the fuck would he post this video at all???

id: 535486 - Text: Somehow I love this videos. Somehow I feel like a John (payer for sex). And like a pimp at the same time. Voyeur. How can I be so ignorant, so arrogant and egotistical to believe that money cures trauma. I, as consumer of this video, am making use of Asriah. Spitting on her dignity when she "loses" this video game. I have total sympathy and respect for You Asriah. Also for Fly for some reason. Toughest life. There are simple things I try to change in my life for years ! And I really wanted to ! Thank You for letting me have a brief view into Your days ! 🫂 💙

id: 535624 - Text:  @mcluvin65  No need to get emotional. I'm stating a fact for those who can see it. Not talking bad about the guy. In fact this video clearly demonstrates women's evolved sexual strategy. Money doesn't shield anyone from "Blue" Pill conditioning though. Think about that.

id: 535683 - Text: 0:40 Giving any money at all to someone who is stuck in the self-destructive cycle of stimulating sensual desires to relieve their pain can be counter-productive. You may think it’s Love to selflessly give in this way, and they may think it’s Love also, and it definitely is Love to a certain extent. But given their unfortunate circumstances, the money just funds their corrupt lifestyle, so it just makes everything worse. This is why you should limit giving to food, shelter, clothing, medicine, and Wisdom - which is the mental capacity to figure things out. But ultimately you can’t expect people to change by helping them, you can only show them the way. And you definitely shouldn’t get emotionally attached or invested in their outcome either, which is a risk that exists if you see potential in them. Because as you can see in this video that just makes them feel even worse for letting you down when things don’t go as planned. You have to be unperturbed by anything they do to themselves, others, or even you, then you can become their anchor in righteousness. 6:30 I doubt she is being “controlled” by anyone, she chooses to stay in this life by virtue of her not having the benefit of Spiritual Guidance. As I’ve said before these choices only become available due to her becoming vested in the Originating Principle of sensual greed. That means her patterns of mental reasoning and decision-making incline towards relieving her pain through sensual pleasures. But the first video proves she does have Compassion that comes from understanding the Principle of Love. 7:50 The concept of “loyalty” is not a good idea because it’s actually one of the primary means by which (more corrupt) pimps bind these women to themselves for their own profit. So mentioning it actually raises the risk of the author becoming just another man that wants something from her, even if what he wants is ultimately for her benefit. So it is better to just focus on giving these women the knowledge they need to free themselves from all bondage, which is the best gift of all, though they may not agree at first. She probably struggles to believe there is anyone who values her for anything other than her physical attributes as a sexual object. Perhaps she is hyper-sensitive to being sensually desired because she feels there is nothing beyond that worth saving. This could be why such beings were drawn to supreme beings in the past, who were devoid of desires and just gave them something worth saving within themselves. Such as their capacity to understand and therefore become the Principle of Love. 12:30 Only becoming spiritually guided can save people who are stuck in this type of life, but they have to want to escape. And they can’t escape into the ordinary after coming from fast cash either, it has to be something they Love that benefits society on some level. Others can help by not attributing blame because that just sustains their pain, which includes not blaming their entire racial group either. Because it is the social background that is the problem, and people have uplifted themselves despite suffering the same troubled upbringings. 13:40 The lawfully wealthy are not responsible for causing or remedying all the ills in a free society such as this. Although it would definitely benefit everyone including themselves to help others through applying their skill, knowledge, Wisdom, and funding to achieve that end. But ultimately, it is up to the downtrodden individuals, others in their community, the local government etc, to work together to fix these problems by applying tax funds in an intelligent way that leads to long lasting social changes instead of temporary fixes.

id: 535843 - Text: I totally agree with you actually and to be clear I’m not trying to justify either of their actions. But I’m acutely aware of how much your upbringing and childhood can shape your personality and behaviours. Especially when the odds are stacked against you with substance abuse, poverty, sexual assault etc etc. Regardless, from what I’ve seen on here I do still wish her luck but as I said, I don’t hold out much hope

id: 535891 - Text:  @2hedz77  Truth is through her "work" she probably runs into guys who want to "save her" on a semi-regular basis. While in this case he wasn't getting sex from her, he was still just one more guy trying to throw money at her. Thats not to say what he did was wrong, but it isn't unexpected that she didn't instantly change. Change is generally a long difficult process for most people.

id: 536136 - Text: I have interviewed a few girls of such streets (though in different places) believe me, most of them ENJOY the game, they like money, but infront of you, they will act desperate and not willing to be there... Asriah AKA EXOTIC was earning lots of monies and so loosing that money to being someone else I think wouldn't make it out for her. (BASICALLY TO SAY, NO ONE CAN MAINTAIN HER DAILY LIFESTYLE UNLESS HER SELF WANTS TO LIVE LOW KEY) The other point is on is also an addiction, and so, since she had sex almost every time of her life from the time she became a prostitute, she cannot easily live without it and so, a few men can stand to her feelings. sex addiction is as equal as getting addicted to smoking, or even playing video games! lol. I bet she can live a week without need for a man (I am sorry to judge her, just my thinking) MY TAKE IS! IF SOMEONE NEEDS HELP, THEY HAVE TO SEEK IT BY THEMSELVES, AND IF THEY NEED IT BUT CAN GET HELP BY THEMSELVES THEN SOMEONE COMES TO THEIR RESCUE, THEY WOULD HOLD ON TO THAT PLAUGH AND NEVER LET GO!!
