31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 578236 - Text: exposing not glamorizing. anyone who is watching these videos and finds them glamorous is a lost cause already

id: 578243 - Text: She's so RAW & REAL. It's interesting, as I've watched and commented on other videos, being from Washington, I know exactly where Carnation is. Lol

id: 578334 - Text: My feelings about most being interviewed. The common theme is my childhood was bad my parents were no good and BTW I got kids I don't take care of but it's not my fault. I believe these people will be shocked after watching their own videos. I get a kick out of a prostitute claiming all men pay for pussy. This isn't true this is another justification. Lol the arrogance pours out of her

id: 578469 - Text: the same excuses lies and manipulations they feed the people commenting under these videos usually.

id: 578476 - Text: Mark had a cold about a week ago and this video is from that time when he was sick.

id: 578537 - Text:  @lilaworley8935  I came back to say everything you said in your follow up comments is the TRUTH! You absolutely nailed it; right down to the 2 people in here “trying” to challenge you but failing miserably. I see them both everywhere in these comments and while I rarely comment, I do respond to comments and they’ve both come at me yet they are incapable of forming an intelligent response bc they lack critical thinking skills, logic and common sense. Instead they react with their feelings and emotions and it appears to me they take on the role of the person in the video and argue with people as if they are them. They believe every word of every interviewee and they use the word “judgmental” on everyone. It’s clear they don’t understand that saying a FACT is not judging nor do they understand the difference between opinion and fact. It’s not normal, it’s exhausting and straight up weird so do exactly what you’re doing; ignore them and don’t respond to their responses bc they don’t make any sense and constantly miss the point being made. They’re so easily triggered and offended and that doesn’t get you anywhere in the real world. They spend hours on end daily arguing with strangers on YouTube in one comment section. Enough said! ♥️

id: 578539 - Text:  @emm2937  thank you for coming back and reading what is written. I find their bickering and hypocrisy so distasteful. It's truly unfortunate because they detract from the intent of the message to ALL children of dysfunctional families. Young and old. What you've described from the dissenters to this comment is exactly what I've observed here on this channel as well. I've mentioned multiple times in many many other interviews where I've shared this quote... that there's a difference between stating facts and feeling judgement. As someone that loves psychology and sociology, it's actually interesting to me to see this pattern of behavior from those two individuals. I enjoy reading comments and will sometimes chime in on other's comments but these two people just constantly argue or are morally grandstanding on SO many comments. They definitely seem to be projecting the roll of the person interviewed. I have shared this quote many many times and I will continue to do so. 💜🔥 And it will resonate with the fire fighters that need to see it... and they will use it to strengthen themselves. This quote resonated with me very much, while I was also recovering from a dysfunctional family of origin and abuse/neglect in childhood. It spoke to me and reminded me to listen to my inner child...and to protect my own children from the flames of generational dysfunction. To do the hard work to prevent the fire from consuming the next generation. I want the children that see this...young and old children of dysfunctional families of origin..... to realize that their life does not have to be this way. They CAN rise above this and differentiate from their family of origin to live a happy and fulfilling life IF they choose a different path. It's takes courage to choose that path and I hope this quote gives them strength in their journey. I always leave this quote with heavy amounts of empathy for the forgotten and neglected children. Logic and reason.... is very much needed in these open comment sections where the society is forming perceptions and understanding of complex issues. This isn't rainbows and butterflies. This is the real world and the real life consequences when people choose drugs and a street life over their responsibility to their offspring. Blindly enabling these people and literally validating delusion is not helping anyone. It's psyc 101 that we NEVER validate delusion. And everyone here... including Mark, me and the viewers that comment.... should especially remember the innocent children we all are collectively responsible for that will come watch this parent say these things one day. People need to consider the children's perspective when they come here to see these videos of their abusive and neglectful parents.... before praising and validating the actual delusion of their parents. Because THEY are our future. The children need empathy more than the abusers. Thank You for your insight and support. I appreciate you coming back to share and restore my faith in the community here..... 💜🔥

id: 578548 - Text:  @kokobunni5897  100% accurate. The reason I can empathize with the child's experience.... Is because I was that child and now see the effects on many many other children. I also know what needs to be done and what children need to hear.... in order to stop the inferno from burning the next generation. I will not praise child abusers/abandoners in my comments here. My comment on this video is for the neglected children. 💜

id: 578573 - Text: I love your videos & channel Mark. An observation as a foreigner looking in; is that it seems that human life in the US has little value unless you have lots of money.

id: 578628 - Text:  @sherylmac40  Gabor mate has many different videos and all are well worth watching.This woman has given up 6 kids ? Did I hear right ? I just can't believe it.15 yrs with a man in a non-monogamous relationship , She had his child or children and gave them up to her sister. Sounds like he was nothing more than a friend though she obviously considers him a dear friend.Seems like she has sacrificed a lot. Of course, the daughter doesn't want Chucks name. He was nothing to her, not a father, no one, and she wants the name of the people who raised her. Hope Princess chooses a better future for herself and realizes she deserves more than she has allowed herself to have thus far. You'll never touch the stars if you don't at least reach for them and everyone deserves to at least try.
