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id: 536155 - Text: I really feel for her. She is imprisoned by control and fear for her and kids lives. This exploitation was probably planned from the beginning by her controller. She is a puppet, a pawn in this double-edge survival game. We don’t know what’s really going on in the background. How extremely adverse it may be for her or how many blows and bullets she’s had to dodge to keep herself alive and kids safe. Pimps, gang members, drug dealers and handlers are dangerous people and they may put a nice face on for the camera’s like Fly did, but we don’t know what’s under that mask or who is his controller should he have one. Even if she was genuinely trying to get out, this has been her way to survive for a long time and relapse is very common in road to recovery. It’s not fair to expect a person with layers of maladaptive behaviours to just turn off and reset into a brand new person with healthy habits and lifestyle. Marc’s done an amazing job helping and getting the community to support. Unfortunately, it takes more than text messages, donations and bank transfers to aid in a person’s transition from a gang-affiliated, drug-induced, domestically violent and/or sex work environments to a stable, healthy living. A whole team of different agencies including the police, housing, family, mental health and educational services need to be involved collaborating on a regular basis in order to safeguard the likelihood of a successful and sustainable recovery and long-term management.

id: 536440 - Text: Is FLY a homosexual? He does not appear to be a gang member at all!!!!!!!!! Very feminine voice!!!!!! Body language also suggests

id: 536515 - Text: Her “Money Manger”, Fly, is a real p.o.s. He should be in jail for what he is doing. He acts as if it’s a career to extort someone and sexually abuse them, with the threat of violence if his demands are not met. I hope someday he ends up filled with holes laying in the pavement, just like most of the no good low level crooks in his line of “work”. He’ll get what’s coming to him.

id: 536609 - Text: I want to see if Mark have the balls to confront like that these gross-ass rapist men that he interview too, of if he can do it with girls to throw at their face "i gave you money and you wanted to have sex toys in your apartment". like wtf? these people doesn't need your filthy money to be charged by it later. give them friendship instead. what you don't understand about these girls is that the pimps give them what they need: affection, love, understanding. companionship daily basis. and yes these girls are abused by it, because no one gives attention to them, just these abusers. you are doing a really poor job to starting the inverview the way that you did. i hope someday you will have the sensibility to do the work that you do.

id: 536619 - Text:  @lars9604  No, not at all. There's no comparison. You appear to have no real life experience of domestic or physical violence. There's a 3rd update after it's revealled she had been ripping him off for $1,000s handing it to her pimp, and lying to him. Have you seen that yet? Most people would have gone ballastic under similar circumstances. He appeared to care more for her life, and consequently disappointed, than she herself did. Which plays out as true, as the latest news is that she was caught by the police after going on the run with her pimp, following a murder. As to your sexualization of the scenario, why make it sexual? Don't loyal and generous friends have a right to be hurt or upset too? Quite frankly, although she's damaged, she's also a huge asshole who's just blown the best chance that life has ever offered her to escape her shithole, and she'll probably end up dead in a crack house before she's 40 now. In the last video, although she remains silent, I think her face shows that even she knows that's she'd blown it.

id: 536626 - Text: Mark, once again a person playing the white savior role ! Wherever you go there you are . That girl needed to be in an inpatient treatment program for duo diagnosis. Removing her from the hood to the mountains and enabling her with $ was the problem! Why not consult with professionals who are experts in treatment for individuals leaving the sex trafficking industry? Also , how dare you give dude a pass and blame it on poverty!! There are many people who grow up in poverty and MAKE A CHOICE to break generational curses ! That clown isn't a Crip! 😂😂😂😂P.S. this is coming from a former teen mom/ high school drop who is now a therapist with a private practice specializing in trauma.

id: 536740 - Text: Yeah I would like to see Mark get an apartment and spend thousands of dollars each week.. And shower compliments onto an ugly old homeless man, instead of some hot thin sex worker 😂 .. But something tells me that's not his type lol

id: 536743 - Text: The butterfly is a symbol for the monarch program, or MK Ultra, which is a child sex trade/slave rad by intel agency. You can see Britney and Katey etc wearing them. just saying ...

id: 536761 - Text: The justification is that he had a crush on her. She is very appealing. But his intentions weren't to purely help her. He wanted some control in her life. He wanted to be her saviour.. He showered her with compliments, got her apartment and gave her thousands of dollars each week.. He was essentially her sugar daddy. Would he do the same for some ugly old drug addicted man? instead of some hot thin sex worker 😂 .. ?? He forced his help onto her, she never asked for it. And publicly shamed her for not changing as soon as he wanted her to. Even tho his help wasn't actual help. She needs therapy and to want to help herself. Getting thrown 1000s by some fan boy won't help anyones traumas.

id: 536763 - Text: All u have to do is be young, have a good body, and have sex appeal. Then u too can get an apartment for free and thousands a week from a man who wants to "save" you! 😂
